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Diana Mishkova
Marius Turda
Balazs Trencsenyi

Chapter IV. Conservative Redefinitions of Tradition and Modernity

Ladislav Hanus: Slovak statehood

Traductor: Pavol Lukáč

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Extracto del texto

Title: Slovenská štátnosť (Slovak statehood)

Originally published: Kultúra, no. 1 (1941), pp. 11–17.

Language: Slovak

The excerpts used are from Rudolf Chmel, ed., Slovenská otázka v 20. storočí (Bratislava: Kalligram 1997), pp. 296–303.

About the author

Ladislav Hanus [1907, Liptovský Mikuláš (Hun. Liptószentmiklós) – 1994, Ružomberok]: philosopher, priest, translator, and historian of culture. He studied at the theological faculty in Spišská Kapitula (Hun. Szepeshely, Ger. Zipser Kapitol) and later in Innsbruck. In 1932 and 1934, he received doctoral degrees in philosophy and theology respectively. He served as a priest in the parishes of Spišské Vlachy, Spišská Nová Ves, Ružomberok, and Kežmarok. In 1938, he was named professor at the Theological College (Vysoká škola bohoslovecká) in Prešov and then Vice-Rector and Rector of the Seminary at Spišská Kapitula, where he spent the years of the Second World War. He was persecuted during the communist rule in Czechoslovakia, and imprisoned...

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