Petar Mutafchiev: Towards the philosophy of Bulgarian history
p. 292-298
1Title: Към философията на българската история. Византинизмът в средновековна България (Towards the philosophy of Bulgarian history. Byzantinism in medieval Bulgaria)
2Originally published: Философски преглед, 3, 1931/2, pp. 27–36.
3Language: Bulgarian
4The excerpts used are from Ivan Elenkov and Roumen Daskalov, eds., Защо сме такива? В mърсене на българската културна идентичност (Sofia: Просвета, 1994), pp. 352–356.
About the author
5Petar Mutafchiev [1883, Bozhenci (Gabrovo region)–1943, Sofia]: historian and essayist. He graduated in history and geography from the University of Sofia in 1910, and specialized in Byzantinology in Munich (1920–1922). After 1927, he taught Byzantine and Eastern European history. Mutafchiev was not only the most prominent Bulgarian medievalist in his day, but also one of the first and most influential authors in the field of Bulgarian philosophy of history. He was one of the paradigmatic conservative thinkers of the 1930s. Mutafchiev was also an inf
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