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Diana Mishkova
Marius Turda
Balazs Trencsenyi

Chapter III. In Search of a National Ontology

Vladimir Dvorniković: Epic man

Traductor: Krištof Bodrič y Vedran Dronjić

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Extracto del texto

Title: “Epski čovek ili Jesmo li mi anahronizam u Evropi? (Epic man, or are we an anachronism in Europe?)

Originally published: Borba ideja (Belgrade: Geca Kon, 1937), pp. 85–98.

Language: Serbian

The excerpts used are from the original, pp. 93–97.

About the author

Vladimir Dvorniković [1888, Severin na Kupi (Western Croatia)–1950, Belgrade]: philosopher and political writer. He came from a family that was part of the Croatian intelligentsia. His father, Ljudevit, was a college teacher and an adherent of positivism, publishing articles on various psychological and philosophical questions. The young Vladimir studied philosophy in Vienna, receiving a doctoral degree in 1911. Afterwards he worked as a teacher in Sarajevo and Zagreb. During the First World War, he was interned by the Austro-Hungarian authorities for his pro-Yugoslav political convictions. After the war, he lectured at the University of Zagreb, becoming a regular professor in 1925. Apart from his philosophical interests, he ...

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