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Diana Mishkova
Marius Turda
Balazs Trencsenyi

Chapter II. The Crisis of the European Conscience

Mihály Babits: Mass and nation

Traduction de Dávid Oláh

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Extrait du texte

Title: A tömeg és a nemzet (Mass and nation)

Originally published: Pesti Napló, 15 May 1938.

Language: Hungarian

The excerpts used are from Mihály Babits, Esszék, tanulmányok (Budapest: Szépirodalmi, 1978), pp. 568–573.

About the author

Mihály Babits [1883, Szekszárd (Southern Hungary)–1941, Budapest]: poet, essayist, writer, and translator. He came from a Catholic middle-class family; his father was a judge. He attended the Cistercian gymnasium in Pécs and, between 1901 and 1905, the University of Budapest, where he specialized in Hungarian and Latin. In 1906, he obtained a teacher's certificate and, until 1918, taught in secondary schools in Szeged, Fogaras (Făgăraş, present-day Romania), and Budapest. His early works had a strong formalist tinge, though they were rooted in impressionism and symbolism. From 1908 onwards, he contributed to the most important modernist periodical, Nyugat [The West], and, in 1916, became its editor. In 1918, he supported the democratic Revolution. In 1919...

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