Jozef Tiso: The ideology of the Slovak People’s Party
p. 100-107
1Title: Ideológia slovenskej ľudovej strany (The ideology of the Slovak People’s Party)
2Originally published: Prague: Tiskový odbor Ústředního svazu československého studentstva, 1930
3Language: Slovak The excerpts are from Rudolf Chmel, ed., Slovenská otázka v 20. storočí (Bratislava: Kalligram, 1997), pp. 82–97.
About the author
4Jozef Tiso [1887, Bytča (Hun. Nagybiccse), near Žilina (Hun. Zsolna)–1947, Bratislava]: priest, politician, and president of the Slovak state during the Second World War. He studied theology at the University of Vienna and later served as priest in different places in Upper Hungary, trying to spread the teaching of Christian Socialism. After the establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1918, he started to climb up the Church hierarchy and, more importantly, became involved in politics. Between 1921 and 1923, he was episcopal secretary in Nitra, and in 1934 the headmaster of the teachers’ seminary he founded in his parish Bánovce nad Bebravou. His influence i
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