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Diana Mishkova
Marius Turda
Balazs Trencsenyi

Chapter I. Integral Nationalism

Aurel C. Popovici: At the crossroads of two worlds

Übersetzt von Mária Kovács

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Title: La răscrucea a două lumi (At the crossroads of two worlds)

Originally published: In the journal Sămănătorul (1908), subsequently republished in Aurel C. Popovici’s Naţionalism sau democraţie. O critică a civilizaţiunii moderne (Bucharest: Minerva, 1910)

Language : Romanian

The excerpts used are from Aurel C. Popovici, Naţionalism sau democraţie. O critică a civilizaţiunii moderne (Bucharest: Albatros, 1997), pp. 165–168, 170.

About the author

Aurel Constantin Popovici [1863, Lugoj (Hun. Lugos), Banat region–1917, Geneva]: politician and political theorist. He was the son of an artisan. After completing his primary and secondary education, he studied at the Hungarian Gymnasium (1873–1880) in Lugoj, and then at the Romanian Lyceum in Beiuş (Hun. Belényes) (1880–1884). In 1885, he enrolled at the University of Vienna to study medicine and philosophy, but later transferred to the University of Graz. In 1891, he became one of the leaders of the Romanian National Party in Hungary and on...

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