The Romantic face of Slovakia
p. 456-467
1Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia)
2Originally published: Prague, Vaclav Petr, 1939
3Language: Slovak
The excerpts used are from Rudolf Chmel ed., Slovenska, otázka v 20. storoči, (Bratislava: Kalligram, 1997), pp. 242–261.
About the author
4Michal Chorváth [1910, Slovenské Pravno (Hun. Turόcábrahámfalva) – 1982, Bratislava]: literary critic, essayist, poet and translator. Between 1928 and 1936 he studied medicine at Charles University in Prague. Later, between 1936 and 1940, he received degrees in philosophy and aesthetics from Comenius University in Bratislava. Chorváth belonged to the young pro-communist intelligentsia, with a close relationship to the avant-garde group DAV. In this period he wrote poetry and published in many left-wing literary and cultural journals. Later, his main interest shifted towards literary and drama criticism. In 1944, he took part in the ‘Slovak National Uprising’ and became an ardent advocate of the Uprising against it
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