List of Figures
Texte intégral
1All illustrations with no source given are from the collection of the author.
21. Marisol Llamas, Casas de Benítez (Cuenca). 10
32. Mary and Joseph images meet in river, Tirteafuera (Ciudad Real). 17
43. The miraculous sweating of a painting in a rain procession, Cabra del Santo Cristo (Jaén), 1698 21
54. The vision of an angel, Ayora (Valencia). Engraving c. 1810. 25
65. The Christ of Piera (Barcelona) in rain procession, c. 1905-1910. 27
76. The Christ of Piera, print. Biblioteca de Catalunya. 28
87. The Christ of Piera, detail of apparition. 28
98. The Christ of Piera, detail of procession. 29
109. “Apparitions in Toledo.” Photos from Estampa, May 25, 1935. 31
1110. Pilgrim at Roncesvalles. Postcard sent 1904. 35
1211. The corporal works of mercy. Claret, Catechism, 1852. 36
1312. Give drink to the thirsty. Claret, Catechism, 1852. 36
1413. Give shelter to pilgrims. Claret, Catechism, 1852. 37
1514. Feed the hungry. Claret, Catechism, 1852. 39
1615. Rain on La Poza, Casa de Benítez (Cuenca). 44
1716. Cover, testimony of sweating crucifix, Medina del Rioseco (Valladolid), 1602. 54
1817. Parish priest with reliquary containing cloth used to wipe sweat from image, Medina de Rioseco. 57
1918. Miracle of the Christ of El Bonillo by Vicente López Portaña, El Bonillo (Albacete). 61
2019. Saint Francis receiving the stigmata. Parish church, Traíd (Guadalajara). 72
2120. Esperanza Aparicio Buendía, El Bonillo (Albacete). 77
2221. Christ at the Column, Santuario-Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Monlora, Luna (Zaragoza). 81
2322. Miracle board, ca. 1630. Santuario-Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Monlora, Luna (Zaragoza). 81
2423. The Virgin of the Miracle, Cocentaina (Alicante).Postcard, 1945. 82
2524. The Christ of Limpias, main altar, parish of San Pedro, Limpias (Cantabria). 82
2625. Postcard sampler, José Martínez, Limpias. 83
2726. Pilgrimage group at Limpias. 83
2827. The bleeding statues of Templemore, Ireland, 1921. 84
2928. Marie Mesmin and the oratory of the Santissima Bambina, Bordeaux. 85
3029. The Santissima Bambina of Marie Mesmin. 85
3130. The bleeding Sacred Heart of Mirebeau-en-Poitou c. 1911. 86
3231. Angelo and Antonina Jannuso with the Weeping Madonna of Siracusa, 1953. 86
3332. The Weeping Madonna in Piazza Euripide, Siracusa, 1953. Photo from Paris Match. 87
3433. Stand with cotton and photographs, Piazza Euripide, Siracusa, 1953. Photo from Paris Match. 87
3534. Envelope containing Siracusa cotton relic distributed from Ciudad Real, Spain. 88
3635. Siracusa relic holy card distributed in Belgium, 1955. 88
3736. “The New Virgin of the Tears” cover of Sábado Gráfico (Madrid), 1959. 89
3837. The bleeding hand of Saint Anne of Entrevaux. Photomic, Nice. 89
3938. The bleeding image of Saint Anne of Entrevaux. Photomic, Nice. 90
4039. Visitors to the Entrevaux image, 1954. Snapshot. 90
4140. Testing the Entrevaux image’s blood. France-Dimanche, 1961. 91
4241. Child pilgrims, Entrevaux, 1954. Paris Match. 91
4342. Relic blood, Entrevaux. 92
4443. “I made the Virgin’s statue bleed.” Headline, France-Dimanche, 1961. 92
4544. “First I pricked my finger.” France-Dimanche, 1961. 93
4645. Sign in stand, Siracusa, 1953. Detail, Paris Match. 94
4746. A bottle of cotton soaked in tears, Siracusa, 1953. Paris Match. 95
4847. Josefa Menéndez, holy card, c.1930. 107
4948. José de Ribera, St Mary the Egyptian. Museo Civico Gaetano Filangeri, Naples. 108
5049. José Garmendia, Ezquioga, 1932-1933. 109
5150. Marcelina Mendívil, Ezquioga, May 1933. 110
5251. Girl in prayer. Postcard sent 1909. 111
5352. Family in prayer, Spain. 112
5453. Cover, Soireés, Brussels, 1933. 113
5554. Raphael, Transfiguration, Vatican Museum. Postard, Rome, before 1905. 114
5655. Murillo, San Bernardo, El Prado. Tear out postcard, Madrid. 115
5756. Exvoto, shrine of Na. Sra. del Milacre, Riner (Lleida). 116
5857. Exvoto, Na. Sra. del Remei, Alcanar (Tarragona). 116
5958. Na. Sra. de Agres (Alicante), apparition. Lithograph holy card. 117
6059. Paray-le-Monial apparition of Sacred Heart. Postcard sent 1915. 118
6160. Lourdes apparition. Postcard, 1950s. 119
6261. Beauraing apparition. Postcard, c. 1933. 119
6362. Beauraing apparition. Postcard, 1933. 120
6463. Pius XII and miracle of the sun of Fatima. Calendar, Pamplona, 1960. 121
6564. Montserrat apparition site. Postcard c. 1929. 122
6665. Montserrat apparition, backlit. 123
6766. Ezquioga apparition site. Postcard, 1931. 124
6867. Ezquioga apparition, backlit. 125
6968. Lourdes apparition with human models. Postcard sent 1907. 126
7069. Children pray at Lourdes grotto of Kumbakorum, India. Postcard 1930s. 127
7170. Jeanne d’Arc hearing voices. Postcard, Nancy, sent 1903. 128
7271. Jeanne d’Arc with sheep hearing voices. Postcard sent 1909. 129
7372. Jeanne d’Arc hears voices, angel visible. Postcard sent 1910. 130
7473. Jeanne d’Arc with saints, pageant at Bellême (Orne), c. 1909. 131
7574. Jeanne d’Arc with saints, pageant at Compiègne, 1913. 131
7675. “Thought knows no distance.” Postcard, Nancy, sent 1905. 135
7776. Photo of two girls mounted on printed postcard of airplane in flight. 135
7877. Woman at writing table, thinking of man. Postcard, Berlin. 136
7978. Man thinking of woman, in distance. Postcard, Vienna, sent 1912. 137
8079. Woman talking to man on telephone. Postcard, Paris. 138
8180. Woman reading letter as absent man looks on. Postcard, Paris, sent 1915. 139
8281. Man thinks of absent woman. Postcard, Berlin. 140
8382. Absent woman holds man asleep over book. Postcard, Hamburg. 140
8483. Man thinking of sick woman. Postcard, Berlin, sent 1911. 141
8584. Man thinking of deceased mother. Postcard, Paris, sent 1909. 142
8685. Mrs. Foulds with spirit of her mother, 1920. 143
8786. Composite photo, Bernadette in studio and Lourdes grotto, 1864. 144
8887. Girl praying to Murillo Inmaculada. Postcard, Berlin, sent 1914. 145
8988. Woman praying beside ghostly Jesus. Postcard, Paris, sent 1915. 146
9089. Stereogram of ghostly dancers by B. L. Singley, Pennsylvania, 1894. 147
9190. Stereogram of ghost at wake. Strohmeyer and Wyman, New York, 1894. 147
9291. W. T. Stead and spirit, 1891. 148
9392. Pianist and spirit holding laurel crown. Postcard, Berlin, sent 1906. 149
9493. Girl with guardian angel behind her. Postcard, Paris, sent 1912. 150
9594. Bad girl with weeping guardian angel. Postcard, Paris, sent 1903. 151
9695. Guardian angel by toddlers in bed. Postcard, Berlin, sent 1896. 152
9796. Child angels around toddler in manger. Postcard, Vienna, after 1905. 152
9897. First Mass priest with child angels. Cabinet card, E. Sagristá, Masnou (Barcelona). 153
9998. Father Christmas above city puts children to sleep. Postcard, Nancy, after 1905. 154
10099. St. Nicholas approaches children in crib. Postcard, Vienna, after 1905. 155
101100. Father Christmas, presents, and three girls. Postcard, France, after 1905. 156
102101. Snowy man surprises two girls. Postcad, France, after 1905. 156
103102. France, Freemasons, apparitions. Postcard, Paris, after 1905. 157
104103. God protects France! Postcard, Paris, c. 1905. 158
105104. France and the Pope. Postcard, Paris, c. 1905. 159
106105. Triumph of the Republic. Postcard, France, sent 1906. 160
107106. Montjuich, the last vision of Francisco Ferrer. Postcard, Geneva, c. 1909. 161
108107. Alzonne, apparition site. Photo postcard, Carcassonne, Roudière, 1913. 167
109108. The Gleaners, with battle in sky. Postcard, Boulogne-sur-Seine, sent 1916. 168
110109. Family, with battle in sky. Postcard, Paris, sent 1915. 168
111110. Woman praying in Serbo-Croatian, battle above. Postcard, Berlin, sent 1917. 169
112111. Sacred Heart above map of France. Postcard, Paris, 1918. 170
113112. Sacred Heart mobilizes Jeanne d’Arc. Postcard, Paris, 1915. 171
114113. French saints intercede with Christ. Postcard, Paris, WWI. 172
115114. Sacred Heart, Mary, saints, appear above Montmartre. Holy card, Paris, WWI. 173
116115. France as woman mobilizes farmer. Postcard, Paris, WWI. 174
117116. Soldiers defend France as woman. Postcard, Paris, sent 1914. 175
118117. France as woman honors soldiers. Postcard, Paris, sent 1914. 176
119118. France as woman protects fallen enemy. Postcard, Reuil, sent 1915. 177
120119. France as woman points to Joffre. Postcard, France, sent 1915. 178
121120. Boy with French heroes above. Postcard, Bois-Colombes, sent 1915. 179
122121. Father Christmas brings war dolls, battle above. Postcard, Boulogne-sur-Seine, WWI. 180
123122. Father Christmas with rifle. Postcard, Paris, sent 1914. 181
124123. “Angel of God, watch over my husband.” Postcard, Reuil, sent 1915. 182
125124. Austrian soldier with angel in sky. Postcard, Leipzig, sent 1916. 183
126125. Soldier treats wounded enemy, blessed by Christ. Postcard, Vienna, sent 1917. 184
127126. Soldiers sleep, watched by Lourdes Virgin. Postcard, Paris, 1914. 185
128127. Mary appears above trenches to soldiers. Postcard, Paris, sent 1918. 186
129128. Vision of Mary in trees, Novéant-sur-Moselle, 1920. Postcard, France. 187
130129. Jeanne d’Arc and soldier. Postcard, Boulogne-sur-Seine, sent 1915. 188
131130. Jeanne d’Arc, France and the Church. Cover, Le Pèlerin, 1921. 189
132131. Woman prays to crucifix for absent soldier. Postcard, Paris, sent 1914. 190
133132. Children pray to crucifix for father at war. Postcard, Budapest, sent 1916. 191
134133. Children look at photos, troops above. Postcard, Paris, WWI. 192
135134. Woman looks at photo, absent soldier looks at her. Postcard, Berlin, sent 1915. 193
136135. Woman thinks of absent soldier, who aims rifle. Postcard, Paris, sent 1915. 194
137136. Soldier thinks of absent woman. Postcard, Paris, WWI. 195
138137. Absent wife watches over sleeping soldier. Postcard, France, sent 1915. 196
139138. Absent soldier watches over sleeping woman. Modified postcard, Levallois-Perret, sent 1916. 197
140139. Woman imagines soldier with her. Postcard, Bois-Colombes, sent 1916. 198
141140. Soldier reads letter, absent woman looks on. Postcard, Leipzig, WWI, in Hungarian. 199
142141. Soldier on duty, absent woman behind him. Postcard, France, sent 1915. 200
143142. Woman prays at grave, man prays above. Postcard, Berlin, sent in Croatial914. 201
144143. Girl with mother’s portrait. Photomontage, Barcelona, J. Alonso, c. 1910. 205
145144. Man thinking of woman. Photomontage, Spain, after 1905. 206
146145. Woman with two girls thinks of man. Photomontage, Spain, sent 1915. 207
147146. Woman with grandchildren, with absent young man. Photomontage, Valencia. 208
148147. Soldier writes to woman. Photomontage, Cartagena, c. 1915-1923. 209
149148. Young woman writes to soldier. Photomontage, Spain, c. 1913-1923. 210
150149. Soldier at table thinks of woman. Photomontage, Livorno. 211
151150. Soldier in studio. Carte de Visite, Marseilles, Gaulard. 212
152151. Woman and child, with absent soldier. Photomontage, France. 213
153152. Soldier in studio with photo of daughter. France. 214
154155. Woman and three children in studio, with absent man (prisoner?). Photomontage, Belgium? 215
155154. Two women and two girls in studio, with absent soldier (prisoner?). Photomontage, France. 216
156155. Soldier in studio with absent family. Photomontage, Germany. 217
157156. Children holding photo, with soldier (prisoner?) above. Photomontage, Belgium or France. 218
158157. Father thinking of soldier prisoner. Photomontage, Zaandam, Netherlands, 1918. 218
159158. Woman thinking of soldier prisoner in Germany. Photomontage, Liège, WWI. 219
160159. Extended family in garden, for soldier prisoner in Germany. Liège, sent 1915. 219
161160. Soldier, wife and son in studio, France. 220
162161. Soldier and wife in studio, Germany. 221
163162. Soldier, wife and two sons in studio, Germany. 222
164163. Soldier and wife under umbrella in garden, France. 223
165164. Officer, wife, two daughters in park. Vichy, Ambrost, 1918. 224
166165. Soldier and family in courtyard, France. 225
167166. Soldiers and families at party in cafe, France. 226
168167. Soldier and family in studio, Germany. 226
169168. Soldier on leave, wife, three sons, before house, St.-Didier d’Assiat (Ain), WWI. 227
170169. Medic and family in studio, France. 227
171170. Soldier, wife, and daughter in studio, France. 228
172171. Soldier, mother, and brother’s family in studio, Belgrade. 229
173172. Soldier, wife, and dog in studio, France. 230
174173. Soldier, wife and daughter in studio, France. 231
175174. Belgian prisoner in Germany with family photomontages. Soltau, Dethmann, 1917. 231
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Divine Presence in Spain and Western Europe 1500-1960
Visions, Religious Images and Photographs
William A. Christian