China Inside Out
Contemporary Chinese Nationalism and Transnationalism
The "war on terror" has generated a scramble for expertise on Islamic or Asian "culture" and revived support for area studies, but it has done so at the cost of reviving the kinds of dangerous generalizations that area studies have rightly been accused of. This book provides a much-needed perspective on area studies, a perspective that is attentive to both manifestations of "traditional culture" and the new global relationships in which they are being played out. The authors shake off the shac...
Éditeur : Central European University Press
Lieu d’édition : Budapest
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 23 janvier 2013
ISBN numérique : 978-615-5053-96-2
Collection : CEUP collection
Année d’édition : 2005
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-963-7326-14-1
Nombre de pages : 368
Prasenjit Duara
Chapter 2. The Legacy of Empires and Nations in East AsiaAlexander V. Lomanov
Chapter 4. On the Periphery of the ”Clash of Civilizations?” Discourse and Geopolitics in Russio-Chinese RelationsLouisa Schein
Chapter 5. Minorities, Homelands and MethodsFrank Dikötter
Chapter 7. Race in ChinaPenny Edwards
Chapter 8. Outside In: Sino-Burmese EncountersDru C. Gladney
Chapter 9. Alterity MotivesThe "war on terror" has generated a scramble for expertise on Islamic or Asian "culture" and revived support for area studies, but it has done so at the cost of reviving the kinds of dangerous generalizations that area studies have rightly been accused of. This book provides a much-needed perspective on area studies, a perspective that is attentive to both manifestations of "traditional culture" and the new global relationships in which they are being played out. The authors shake off the shackles of the orientalist legacy but retain a close reading of local processes. They challenge the boundaries of China and question its study from different perspectives, but believe that area studies have a role to play if their geographies are studied according to certain common problems.
Pál Nyíri is currently a Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Joana Breidenbach is an anthropologist and journalist based in Berlin
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