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The Bauhaus Idea and Bauhaus Politics

Art historian Éva Forgács's book is an unusual take on the Bauhaus. She examines the school as shaped by the great forces of history as well as the personal dynamism of its faculty and students. The book focuses on the idea of the Bauhaus - the notion that the artist should be involved in the technological innovations of mechanization and mass production - rather than on its artefacts. Founded in 1919 by the architect Walter Gropius and closed down by the Nazis in 1933, the Bauhaus had to ...

Leggi il seguito
  • Editore : Central European University Press
  • Collana : CEUP collection
  • Luogo di pubblicazione : Budapest
  • Anno di pubblicazione : 1995
  • Pubblicato su OpenEdition Books : 23 janvier 2013
  • EAN (edizione cartacea) : 978-1-85866-012-7
  • EAN digitale : 978-963-386-002-1
  • Numero di pagine : 237 p.

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