p. 445-472
Texte intégral
Abréviations utilisées
Amer. Anthr. : American Anthropology (revue).
Amer. Antiq. : American Antiquity (revue).
An. Soc. Geogr. Hist. Guatemala : Anales de la Sociedad de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala.
Carnegie Inst. Wash., Notes Middle Amer. Archaeol. Ethnol. : Carnegie Institution of Washington, Notes on Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology.
Carnegie Inst. Wash., Contrib. Amer. Anthr. Hist. : Carnegie Institution of Washington, Contributions to American Anthropology and History.
Cong. Int. Amer. : Congrès International des Américanistes.
Contrib. Univ. California Archaeol. Res. Facil. : Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility.
Contrib. : Contribution(s).
Estud. Cult. Maya : Estudios de Cultura Maya.
Handbook Middle Amer. Indians : Handbook of Middle American Indians.
Harvard Univ. Papers, Peabody Mus. : Harvard University, Papers of the Peabody Muséum of American Archaeology and Ethnology.
Harvard Univ. Memoirs, Peabody Mus. : Harvard University, Memoirs of the Peabody Muséum of American Archaeology and Ethnology.
Ms. : Manuscrit
Pub. : Publication.
Rev. Antr. Hist. Guatemala : Revista de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala.
Smithsonian Inst., Bur. Amer. Ethnol. : Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology.
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N’yũhũ, les Indiens Otomis
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Peuplement, organisation sociale et encadrement d'une population dans les hautes terres du Guatemala
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