Table des matières
Amin Al-Hakimi et Frédéric Pelat
Savoirs locaux et agriculture durable au YémenAmin Al-Hakimi et Frédéric Pelat
Indigenous knowledge and sustainable agriculture in YemenSection I - Origins of agriculture and its techniques
Miquel Barceló et Josep Torró
The hydraulic set‑up of Bayt al‑Ashwal valley: a case studySection II - Traditional Yemeni knowledge
Abdul Gabbar Al-Kirshi
Storage of grain in underground pits (Madāfin)Ahmed M. A. Sallam et Saeed A. Ba‑Angood
The evolution of insect biodiversity in YemenSaleh Omar Al-Baity
Saeed A. Ba-Angood (trad.)
Traditional methods of grain storage in Wādī Hadramawt- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Crops that farmers store
- Seed treatment procedures before storage
- Traditional methods used for grain storage in Wādī Hadramawt
- Al-Madāfin
- Al-Tatfīl
- Mixing seeds with ash
- Keeping grains in their ears
- Keeping seeds in closed barrels
- Keeping seeds in jute or plastic sacks
- The use of dried pumpkins
- Problems farmers face during grain storage
- The use of modern techniques
- The preferred traditional methods for grain storage
- Recommendations
Saeed A. Ba‑Angood
Some ancient practices used for agricultural pest control in Yemen- Methods used in data collection
- Results and discussion
- Selecting the suitable variety and the appropriate sowing date
- Other cultural methods
- Mechanical methods of pest control
- The use of biocontrol agents for pest control
- The use of oils in pest control
- The use of repellant plants
- Protection from storage pests and diseases
- Major pests and diseases mentioned in traditional agriculture
- Insect pest management in traditional Yemeni agriculture
- Recommendations
Geneviève Bédoucha
Une ‘culture’ de la terre et de l'eau : l’exemple du sorghoQadi Yahya b. Yahya Al-Ansi
Daniel Martin Varisco (trad.)
Ancient knowledge in Yemeni farming: a case study in sowing timesWATER AND AGRICULTURE
Gerhard D. Rappold, Peter Jurgen Ergenzinger, Horst Gerke et al.
Hydrological analysis of terraced catchments: a case study of the Tacizz region, YemenAli Aidrous Assakaf et Ahmed S. Ba-swaid
Saeed A. Ba Angood (trad.)
Traditional methods of spate irrigation in the former Sultanate of Lahj, Lahj Governorate – Yemen- The objective and methods of this study
- Results and discussion
- Conclusions
- Appendix: Decree by Law of the Agricultural Council and Agricultural Court
- Agricultural Council and Agricultural Court Law
- Section One
- Structure
- B. The Council Tasks
- C. The Council Meetings
- Section two
- Part One: Compensation Irrigation
- Part Two: The Council Treasury
- Section three: The Agricultural Court
- Part One: Structure and tasks of the Agricultural Court
- A. Administrative arrangements of the Court, cases and lawsuits that the Court shall hear, and Laws upon which the Court shall depend in judgments.
- B. Allegation Procedure
- C. Higher Appeal for Agricultural Cases
- Part Two: Transactions concerned with agriculture
- Part Three: Land Rent
- Part Four: Punishments
- Spate (sayl) irrigation punishments
- Running water (ghayl) punishments
- Notice
Ueli Brunner
Sharing waterIngrid Hehmeyer
The spirit of cooperation in Yemeni agricultural practicesSuccessful cases from the past and their applicability for the present
Section III - Indigenous knowledge & agricultural development
Gerhard Lichtenthäler
Adjusting to the extreme shortage of a common resourceRunoff, resource capture and social adaptive capacity
Mohammed Aidrus Ali et Helen Lackner
The effect of modern technologies on traditional soil and water conservation techniques in Shabwa and HadramawtStefan Kohler
‘Arabia Felix’ - traditions as a burden for agricultural developmentThe impact of ancient and traditional water-rights on the agricultural crisis in Yemen
Daniel Martin Varisco
Indigenous knowledge and traditional Yemeni irrigation