Women and Civil Society: Capacity Building in Yemen
A Research Perspective on Development
This work is the result of fruitful collaboration between the department of cooperation in the French Embassy in Sana'a and CEFAS (French CEnter for Archeology and Social Sciences in Sanna). It aims to present a joint reflection on experiences in gender and development projects, and to join in the debate they foster not only in Yemen, but on a much wider scale as well, beyond cultural and contextual particularities. This initiative connects with practical and critical research concerned with t...
Éditeur : Centre français de recherche de la péninsule Arabique
Lieu d’édition : Sanaa
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 21 avril 2017
ISBN numérique : 978-2-909194-58-5
DOI : 10.4000/books.cefas.1667
Collection : Histoire et société de la péninsule Arabique
Année d’édition : 2011
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-909194-31-8
Nombre de pages : 180
Michel Tuchscherer
PrefaceDominique Anouilh
A joint reflection to share our experienceBlandine Destremau
Global discourses, local applicationsDebating issues around transformative and relational impacts of gender-concerned development projects
Maggy Grabundzija
Impact Assessment FSD I Projects ReportThis work is the result of fruitful collaboration between the department of cooperation in the French Embassy in Sana'a and CEFAS (French CEnter for Archeology and Social Sciences in Sanna). It aims to present a joint reflection on experiences in gender and development projects, and to join in the debate they foster not only in Yemen, but on a much wider scale as well, beyond cultural and contextual particularities. This initiative connects with practical and critical research concerned with the transnational promotion of civil society, participation, empowerment and capacity building through various development and assistance schemes.
It is divided up into two parts: firstly, a contribution by Blandine Destremau, aiming to provide a sense of perspective to the patterns of development implemented and experimented in Yemen, by sketching a critical history of ideas and institutions dealing with issues of gender and development. Secondly, an impact assessment carried out in the field by Maggy Grabundzija, an anthropologist, focusing on two projects funded by the French Social Development Fund, chosen for their engagement in girls' education in rural areas.
Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence Licence OpenEdition Books. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.
La liberté d’association au Yémen
Une compilation de la législation relative aux associations et aux fondations
Anaïs Casanova et Guillaume Jeu
Les Hiğra et les forteresses du savoir au Yémen
Ismā‘īl b. ‘Alī al-Akwa‘ Brigitte Marino (trad.)
Société civile, associations et pouvoir local au Yémen
Actes de la Table Ronde « Société civile, citoyenneté et pouvoir local », Sanaa, 1–3 juillet 2006
Sarah Ben Nefissa, Maggy Grabundzija et Jean Lambert (dir.)
فن الرسوم الصخرية واستيطان اليمن في عصور ما قبل التاريخ
مديحه رشاد et ماري-لويز إينزان (dir.) رشـــــــاد مديحــــــه et الأقـــــرع عزيز علـي (trad.)
Savoirs locaux et agriculture durable au Yémen
Séminaire ‘Place des pratiques et techniques anciennes dans l’agriculture yéménite d’aujourd’hui : problèmes et perspectives’, Sanaa, juin 2000
Frédéric Pelat et Amin Al-Hakimi (dir.) Saeed A. Ba-Angood et Daniel Varisco (trad.)