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Un siècle de recensements en Égypte (1882-1996)

François Moriconi-Ébrard
Hala Bayoumi

One Century of Censuses in Egypt (1882-1996)

4. Legal matters and references

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4.1. Legal aspects

1By applying the law of March 11th 1957, it is prohibited to reproduce, partly or wholly the present work without the authorization of the editor and CEDEJ or CAPMAS. This prohibition concerns the maps, the statistical data and the application.

4.2. CD authors

2Hala Bayoumi, mathematician, research engineer at CNRS
Born in 1963, Hala Bayoumi holds a PhD in applied maths in 2010 (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris) and she is a research engineer first class at CNRS. She was responsible of the follow-up of the project since its beginning, in particular the management of human resources, management of financial issues as well as the coordination with the Egyptian institutions. She has created and implemented the application specifically for the CD “One century of Censuses”. She was awarded the CNRS Crystal Medal in 2017. Since 2007, she is the head of the team Digital Humanities at CEDEJ.

3Eric Denis, geographer, research director at CNRS
Born in 1964, Eric Denis holds a PhD in geography from Caen University (1993). He has contributed to the creation of the GIS EGIPTE since its beginning, then he took the leader-ship of the Urban Observatory of Contemporary Cairo (OUCC) from 1997 to 2002. He has been coordinating the Cairo Atlas in addition to numerous research works in cooperation about urbanization and population in Egypt and Sudan. He is the author of a number of articles and works about the region. He is currentlty affiliated to Géographie-Cités Group (UMR 8504).

4François Moriconi-Ebrard, geographer, research director at CNRS
Born in 1961, François Moriconi-Ebrard holds a PhD in geography from the University of Paris 1 (1993). He is a researcher at CNRS in France. He also obtained the title of HDR in 2003 (research director). He is the creator of GEOPOLIS database. He is also the author of a number of articles, of four scientific works and of the CD “Europe des Populations” ( Before the creation of the GIS EGIPTE, he was the director of the Urban Observatory of Contemporary Cairo (OUCC) from 1993 to 1997.
He is currently affiliated to the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Énergies de Demain (LIED/PIERI) at the university of Sorbonne-Paris Cité (USPC Paris Diderot).

5Mustafa Mohamad Ahmad, ministerial delegate at CAPMAS
Born in 1947, Mustafa Mohamad Ahmad holds a PhD in Geographic Information System from the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. He has carried on various responsibilities in CAPMAS and has supervised the creation of the GIS center in 1990. This center was the first of its kind in Egypt and the Middle-East, for which he has obtained many national and international prizes.

6Tareq Hassan, technical director of the Geographic Information Center in CAPMAS
Born in 1971, Tareq Hassan holds an Engineering degree from the Faculty of Engineering, Aïn Shams University in 1993. He was the technical manager of the project and the technical aspects of the Geographic Information System in CAPMAS.

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