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Atomic and Molecular Physics

Inaugural lecture delivered on Tuesday 11 December 1973

Traduttore: Liz Libbrecht

When physicists began to explore the world of atoms more precisely, as they endeavoured to understand its structure and the laws governing its behaviour, they soon encountered serious difficulties. Our intuitive concepts, based on our daily experience of the macroscopic world around us, proved to be completely erroneous on the atomic scale; the atom was incomprehensible within the framework of classical physics. In order to uncover these new mysteries, after a great deal of trial and error...

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  • Editore : Collège de France
  • Collana : Leçons inaugurales
  • Luogo di pubblicazione : Paris
  • Anno di pubblicazione : 2015
  • Pubblicato su OpenEdition Books : 17 novembre 2015
  • EAN digitale : 978-2-7226-0281-6
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.cdf.3696
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Atomic and Molecular Physics

Inaugural lecture delivered on Tuesday 11 December 1973

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