Anthropology of Nature
Inaugural lecture delivered on Thursday 2 March 2001
It looks as though the anthropology of nature is an oxymoron of sorts, given that for the past few centuries, nature has been characterized in the West by humans’ absence, and humans, by their capacity to overcome what is natural in them. But nature does not exist as a sphere of autonomous realities for all peoples. By positing a universal distribution of humans and non-humans in two separate ontological fields, we are for one quite ill equipped to analyse all those systems of objectification ...
Éditeur : Collège de France
Lieu d’édition : Paris
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 8 juillet 2014
ISBN numérique : 978-2-7226-0282-3
DOI : 10.4000/books.cdf.3627
Collection : Leçons inaugurales
Année d’édition : 2014
Philippe Descola
Liz Libbrecht (trad.)
Anthropology of NatureInaugural lecture delivered on Thursday 29 March 2001
It looks as though the anthropology of nature is an oxymoron of sorts, given that for the past few centuries, nature has been characterized in the West by humans’ absence, and humans, by their capacity to overcome what is natural in them. But nature does not exist as a sphere of autonomous realities for all peoples. By positing a universal distribution of humans and non-humans in two separate ontological fields, we are for one quite ill equipped to analyse all those systems of objectification of the world in which a formal distinction between nature and culture does not obtain. This type of distinction moreover appears to go against what the evolutionary and life sciences have taught us about the phyletic continuity of organisms. Our singularity in relation to all other existents is relative, as is our awareness of it.
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Origine et histoire des hominidés. Nouveaux paradigmes
Leçon inaugurale prononcée le jeudi 27 mars 2008
Michel Brunet
L’épidémie du sida. Mondialisation des risques, transformations de la santé publique et développement
Peter Piot
Les nanotechnologies peuvent-elles contribuer à traiter des maladies sévères ?
Patrick Couvreur
Des microbes et des hommes. Guerre et paix aux surfaces muqueuses
Leçon inaugurale prononcée le jeudi 20 novembre 2008
Philippe Sansonetti
De l’atome au matériau. Les phénomènes quantiques collectifs
From the atom to matter. Collective quantum phenomena
Antoine Georges