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OpenEdition Books Collège de France Leçons inaugurales Religion, Institutions and Societ...

Religion, Institutions and Society in Ancient Rome

Inaugural lecture delivered on Thursday 7 February 2002

Religion, institutions et société de la Rome antique

Traduttore: Liz Libbrecht

By opposing sectarian discourses with the universal weapons of history, philology and anthropology, in short, the entire arsenal of science and reason, the history of religions of the past enables us to deflate modern myths, and not only those of others but also our own. It allows us to identify the projection, in the imaginary past, of the “origins” of nationalist, religious or racist fantasies, and to disarm exaggerated interpretations of the sacred texts. Within nations inherited from t...

Leggi il seguito
  • Editore : Collège de France
  • Collana : Leçons inaugurales
  • Luogo di pubblicazione : Paris
  • Anno di pubblicazione : 2013
  • Pubblicato su OpenEdition Books : 16 septembre 2013
  • EAN digitale : 978-2-7226-0266-3
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.cdf.3009
John Scheid
Religion, Institutions and Society in Ancient Rome

Inaugural lecture delivered on Thursday 7 February 2002

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