On the Inequality of Lives
Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 16 January 2020
There is, on the one hand, life that flows from a beginning to an end, and, on the other hand, life that constitutes human singularity because it can be recounted. We may term them “biological life” and “biographical life”. Life expectancy measures the length of the former; a life story relates the richness of the latter. Only by acknowledging both can the inequality of lives be comprehended. They should be conceived of as being both distinct and connected: distinct, because the paradox of Fre...
Note de l’éditeur
The annual Chair of Public Health was created in partnership with the national agency Santé publique France.
Éditeur : Collège de France
Lieu d’édition : Paris
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 12 septembre 2023
ISBN numérique : 978-2-7226-0619-7
DOI : 10.4000/books.cdf.15001
Collection : Leçons inaugurales
Année d’édition : 2023
Didier Fassin
Liz Libbrecht (trad.)
On the Inequality of LivesInaugural Lecture delivered at the Collège de France on Thursday 16 January 2020
There is, on the one hand, life that flows from a beginning to an end, and, on the other hand, life that constitutes human singularity because it can be recounted. We may term them “biological life” and “biographical life”. Life expectancy measures the length of the former; a life story relates the richness of the latter. Only by acknowledging both can the inequality of lives be comprehended. They should be conceived of as being both distinct and connected: distinct, because the paradox of French women shows that a long life is no guarantee of a good life; connected, because the experience of African-American men stands as a reminder that a devalued life is a damaged life. This also raises the question of refugees and migrants.
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Origine et histoire des hominidés. Nouveaux paradigmes
Leçon inaugurale prononcée le jeudi 27 mars 2008
Michel Brunet
L’épidémie du sida. Mondialisation des risques, transformations de la santé publique et développement
Peter Piot
Les nanotechnologies peuvent-elles contribuer à traiter des maladies sévères ?
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Des microbes et des hommes. Guerre et paix aux surfaces muqueuses
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Philippe Sansonetti
De l’atome au matériau. Les phénomènes quantiques collectifs
From the atom to matter. Collective quantum phenomena
Antoine Georges