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p. 397-398

Texte intégral

Alcibiades 73-74

Alexander III the Great 156, 236

Ammon 316-317

Amphora stamps, Rhodian 314-315, 342-344, 347-348

Andreas, Lydian 292-299

Antigonos Gonatas 124, 126-127, 241

Antiphon, Athenian archon 97

Aphphion, Lydian 292-299

Aphrodite 184, 191

Apollo 170-175, 191
Delphi 311-316
Didyma 310, 315-319
Klaros 316-317
Patroos 173
Under the Cliffs 170-175

Archons, Athenian 49-50, 97, 126-127, 161-169, 171-176

Archons, Thespian 257

Archons’ Cult – see Cult

Areopagus 174-175

Aristylla, Athenian 206-208

Arrheneides, Athenian archon 126

Arrolios 232-234

Arsinoe (Methana) 268-273

Artemis 180, 184, 225-226, 320-321

Artemision, Delos 217-219

Asklepieion, Athens 70

Asklepios 311

Athena, Athens 65-66, 183-184

Athena, Lindia 326-353

Athenian Tribute Lists 228-229, 234-235

Athenaion son of Athenaion, Athenian 169

Augustus 175

Berge 230-231, 234

Brauroneion, Attika 68, 180

Calendar 327-353

Chalcotheke, Athens 66, 71

Chalkis 102-104

Chaironeia, battle of 157-160

Choma, Lykia 87-94

Christian inscriptions 83-85

Citizenship, grants of 128-134, 241-251, 355-367

Cleruchs 235-253

Clothing 69

Colonization 236-238

Archons, Athens171-176
Mystery 303-308
Private 304-308
Thracian Rider 55-61

Cutter, of inscriptions( Athenian)
Active in 286-239129
Of Agora, I, 24752
IG, II2, 17 73-81
IG, II2, 334 65
IG, II2, 913 48
IG, II2, 1329 51

Damatio memoriae 161-169

Damianos, Kyzikene 317-320

Decrees 47-53, 99-100, 102-105, 301-308, 329-353
Honorary 158-159, 186-187,239-241
Proxeny 354-367

Delos 68, 140, 145, 168, 213-226, 311

Delphi 310-316

Demeter and Kore, Athens 188-189, 191

Demetrios of Alopeke, Athenian 192-204

Demetrios Poliorketes 126, 135-137, 214-226

Demochares, Athenian 124-125

Didyma 315-316, 317-320

Dies, Tyrian 168-169

Dining, ritual 305-306

Diokles, Athenian 135-136

Dionysia 181-182

Dyme 248-250

Egesta 97-99

Eleusis, Attika 70, 83-85

Enktesis, grants of 128-134, 241, 244

Epichares 79-81

Epistatai 333-335

Erythrai 300-308

Eupolemos, Athenian archon 49-50

Lykian 90-94

Felicio (slave) 55-61

Impact of cancellation of 143-144, 146-147
Changes in 145

Financial Officials 105, 123-128

Foreign policy, Athenian 153-160

Gerousia 174

Gnikon, Troizenian 268-273

Gods 65-66, 105, 170

Gravestone 206-208

Habron, Athenian archon 97

Halios, priest of (Rhodes) 342-345

Hedrolos 228-235

Heliodoros, Tyrian 168

Hera 256, 261

Hestiatorion 256-257, 279, 285-291

Honors, Lykian
Annual 90-93

Inventories 63-71, 179-180, 212-227, 254-266

Ion (Athenian) 170-175

Jewelry 216-220, 221-225

Kallaischros, Siphnian 73

Kallias of Sphettos, Athenian 135-152

Kallipor, Thessalian 74

Khorsiai 257

Klaros 317

Kore soteira 311-315

Kos 311

Kyrbantes 300-308

Kyzikos 310-321

Larisa 242-245, 247

Lamian war 158-160

Letter-forms 58, 89, 207-208, 258-259, 278, 295, 356-362

Lindos (Rhodes) 326-353

Lydia 292-299

Lykia 87-94

Lykiarchos 90-93

Lykourgos, Athenian 125-126

Lyre 70

Lysimache, Athenian 187-188, 193

Magnesia at the Maender 311

Menania Martina 60-61

Menanius 60-61

Medeios, Athenian archon 164-165

Miletos 99-100

Mithridates 167-168

Nikias (Athenian archon) 141

Nikokles, Troizenian 268-273

Nymphs 322-324

Opramoas, Rhodiopolitan (Lykia) 91, 93-94

Oracles 310-321

Orgeon 288

Other Gods, Athens 65-66, 105

Pan 170

Paroikoi 239-242, 251-252

Panathenaia 135-152, 181-182

Pellichos, Corinthian 192-193

Phalanna 247-248

Pharsalos 245-247, 322-324

Philip II 156, 237-238

Philip V 242-246, 312-313

Phratry 288-290

Plato 172

Polyeuktos, Athenian archon 126-127

Polypeithes, Siphnian 73

Priestess 184-191, 302-305

Priesthood, sale of 301-305

Proxenider, Knidian 74

Prytaneis 50-53, 334

Ptolemies 236-237

Ptolemy II 136

Rhamnous, Attika 238-241

Rhodes 313-315

Roads, Roman 230-232

Sacrifice 142-143

Sculpture 192-204

Sigma, Three-Barred 100-102, 208

Simon, Athenian 200-202

Sikyon 274-291

Siphnos 73

Social War (220-217 BC) 244

Statue Base 87-94, 192-204

Stesileides, Siphnian 73

Stratonike 214-226

Sybritos 354-367

Thebes (Boiotia) 251

Thespiai 254-266

Thessaly 242-253, 322-324

Thracian Rider 55-61

Thucydides 100-102

Treaty 74-77, 97-99, 153-160

Troizen 268-273

Tyrannicides, cult of (Athens) 148-150

Vases, inscriptions on 107-122

Vases, Painters
Acheloos Painter115-117
Aischines Painter 111-113, 122
Amphritrite Painter110-111
Douris 109
Euthymides 110
Leagros Group115-117
Oionokles 114-115, 122
Painter of Berlin107-108
Princeton Group108-109
Providence Painter 115-117

Women 176-191, 206-208, 304

Xenophon 201-202

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