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Regionalism in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor

Hugh Elton
Gary Reger



1During the late 1990s, two scholars at Trinity College with interests in Asia Minor, Gary Reger and A. D. Macro, were joined by a third, Hugh Elton. The common interests of the three led to the creation of two year-long reading groups, generously supported by several Deans of Faculty. In the course of regular reading, meeting and discussion, it became clear that it would be both useful and enjoyable to involve other scholars in these discussions. Elton and Reger, both working on regional projects, decided to organize a meeting to discuss regionalism in August 1997. This volume is the result of this meeting. Publication has been unavoidably and unfortunately delayed by a number of factors: since the conference, Elton has changed jobs three times, while Reger has suffered a number of medical problems. For reasons beyond the editors’control, we lost our initial publisher just as the manuscript was finally ready for submission. We are very grateful to Ausonius Editions, its general editor Jérôme France, and Alain Bresson for stepping in with an offer to produce the volume despite the long delay. We hope that the texts published here, mostly in the form submitted in 1999 or 2000, will be useful to scholars working now on both Asia Minor in the Hellenistic and Roman periods and on regionalism more generally.

2Elton and Reger would like to thank Glen Bowersock, Christopher Jones and David Potter for advice and encouragement in the planning stages. We were both pleased and gratified at the number of scholars able to come, some from great distances, and at their patience and understanding about the delay in publication. At Trinity, we received invaluable organizational assistance from Sandy Andrews, Mary-Ellen Petropoulos, Gigi St. Peter, and several Trinity students at various stages of the game. Patty Connolly and Marriot Food Service ensured that all participants were fed and housed in an exemplary fashion. For financial support we are indebted to several Deans of Faculty, and to Trinity College for its financial help with aspects of the production of the book. We also received great encouragement and support from the Departments of History and Classics and the President of the College. Yaprak Eran at the BIAA in Ankara provided valuable bibliographic assistance, and A. D. Macro stepped in at the last minute to help with some thankless editorial tasks. Elton would also like to thank Krista for her forbearance of months of talking about “the conference”. Reger is grateful to Edith Folta for support and love over the years, and for patience during the final editing process, which took place after our return from a sabbatical year in Greece.

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