Brutal Betrayers and Their Evil Translations: The Willful Reshapings of Kinbote and Conmal
p. 255-264
Entrées d’index
Keywords : Nabokov, translation, Pale Fire, Eugene Onegin, literalism, betrayal
It is indeed wonderful how indifferent most critics are to the amount of unwillful deceit going on in the translation trade. (Nabokov 1966: 243)
1I am hardly the first to remark on the parallels between Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire and his monumental translation of and commentary on Alexander Pushkin’s Evgenij Onegin1 or to suggest that Nabokov’s work on Pushkin’s novel in verse may have served as a source for Nabokov’s own novel.2 First, there is their contiguity: Nabokov began writing Pale Fire in 1960, midway through the six-year lag between the completion of his Eugene Onegin in 1957 and its publication in 1964. Second, there is their comparable structure of foreword, poem, commentary, and index. This structural similarity appears all the more striking in the revised, abridged, paperback version of Nabokov’s Onegin, which consists of only two volumes: the first containing the foreword and the translation; and the second the commentary. Thus, the reader can easily imagine ap
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