Intersemiotic Translation as a Fluid Text: from Vladimir Nabokov’s Kamera obskura to Tony Richardson’s Laughter in the Dark
p. 219-228
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Keywords : Nabokov, translation, self-translation, intersemiotic translation, Kamera obskura, Laughter in the Dark
1Vladimir Nabokov’s Russian novel Kamera obskura was published in 1933 and first translated in English in 1936 by Winifred Roy for British publisher John Long. Nabokov, however, disliked her work and decided to retranslate the book himself by paraphrasing Roy’s “dull” and “flat” English (Nabokov 1989: 13) into a more suitable version of his polished Russian style. The self-translation was published in 1938 with the title Laughter in the Dark and turned into a film in 1969. Directed by Tony Richardson and based on a screenplay by Edward Bond, the adaptation of Laughter in the Dark resulted in what can be defined in Roman Jakobson’s terms as intersemiotic translation (Jakobson 1959: 139).
2The present paper adopts an intertextual approach to the analysis of Richardson’s film with the aim of blurring the boundaries between translation and adaptation studies, thus placing the film adaptation within the flow of cultural products that form the afterlife of a literary text. Furthermor
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