Ineffability and Untranslatability in Nabokov
p. 35-44
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Keywords : Nabokov, translation, untranslatability, names, ineffability, tip-of-the-tongue state
1Writing about a collection of Martin Amis’s essays in the New York Review of Books, Nathaniel Rich characterized Nabokov, in passing, as a “poet of the ineffable” (Rich 2018: n.p.). That epithet seems exactly right. I have associated the word ineffable—which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as something “that cannot be expressed or described in language; too great for words; transcending expression; unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible”—with Nabokov ever since encountering it in Lolita, where it was just one of the strange words that dazzled me the first time I read the novel (which I was too young to fully understand, being only a year older than Dolores Haze herself at the beginning). Early in his confession, Nabokov’s narrator mentions the “ineffable signs” which indicate a nymphet but discloses only a few of them, such as “the feline outline of a cheekbone” (Nabokov 1955: 19). When I first discovered this word, it not only seemed to indicate something “that cannot
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