Chapitre 3 – La gastronomie / Culinary traditions
From Meatballs to Montalcino: Italian American Foodways in U.S. Film
p. 59-78
1One of the very first questions that Americans ask each other upon initially meeting is “Where are you from?” Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a highly codified question that is not to be taken at its first degree of signification. The goal of this question is not to know what city or state one comes from, but rather to discover the origin of a foreign-sounding name and the story of the arrival of one’s family in America – a story that Americans of all origins are quite ready to tell. The question, and the responses it inevitably elicits, point to the centrality of immigration to certain notions of Americanness. It is common knowledge that all Americans come from elsewhere and that hyphenated identities have become the norm across the United States since the emergence, in the late 1960s/early 1970s, of the notion that ethnicity and diversity in American culture is something to be valued and celebrated rather than ignored in favor of a generic form of melti
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