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L’Idée sportive, l’idée olympique : quelles réalités au XXIe siècle ?

Olivier Chovaux
Laurence Munoz
Arnaud Waquet
et al.

Deuxième partie. « RÉALITÉS SPORTIVES »

Olympism, Eurocentricity, and transcultural virtues1

Mike Mc Namee

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There is a considerable literature surrounding the vaunted principles of Olympism. It is frequently asserted that Olympism is a transcultural ideology, a view that emanates from the writings of de Coubertin and that is reproduced by modern advocates and acolytes alike. Its ethical basis is said to rest on “universal fundamental ethical principles.” Yet the very existence of such universal principles has been under attack from moral philosophers who have challenged the ideas that morality is reducible to principles, let alone universal ones. Moreover, there has been strong historical and social critique of the universalism that Olympism embodies, particularly in relation to a criticism of its Eurocentricity. I offer a brief and critical survey of Olympism and challenge the Eurocentric criticism in terms of the genetic fallacy. Finally, in contrast to the idea that “fundamental universal principles” are what underwrite the morality of Olympism, I critically explore the nature and vari...


Swansea University
Mike Mac Namee est Professeur d’éthique appliquée à l’Université de Swansea. Il est président de l’Association Internationale pour la Philosophie du Sport et dirige la publication de la revue Sport, éthique et philosophie. Il participe à de nombreuses associations nationales et internationales (Conseil des Sciences du sport, de l’éducation physique de Grande-Bretagne, à titre d’exemple). Il a notamment publié : Sports, Virtues and Vices : morality play (Routledge, 2008) et Sports Ethics (Routledge, 2010).

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