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p. 443


1The introduction to this tome immediately brings to light, the profusion of the archaeological archive with which the reader will be confronted. Earthen tableware is certainly the most invasive part of this documentation, regardless the period ; from the late Middle Ages, the urban dumps are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for ceramics experts who have forged appropriate methods to study what can only be called mass production. Here is a timely publication that offers to put some order into the thousands of shards from archaeological excavations located mainly in the north and the centre of the Rhône-Alpes region in France and concerning sites occupied during sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The work is based on a well established tradition of regional research, where medieval and modern ceramic studies were able to develop early on as a specific discipline. The result is an up to date review. Its organisation reflects the progression of the pot speciali

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