matteo-brv @ DaDoEval: An SVM-based Approach for Automatic Document Dating
p. 398-402
This paper describes our contribution to the EVALITA 2020 shared task DaDoEval – Dating Document Evaluation. The solution we present is based on a linear multi-class Support Vector Machine classifier trained on a combination of character and word n-grams, as well as number of word tokens per document. Despite its simplicity, the system ranked first both in the coarse-grained classification task on same-genre data and in the one on cross-genre data, achieving a macro-average F1 score of 0.934 and 0.413, respectively. The system implementation is available at
We thank Dr. Çağrı Çöltekin for his patient encouragement and valuable suggestions throughout this project.
Texte intégral
1. Introduction
1Temporal information, such as the publication date of a document, is of major relevance in a number of domains, like historical linguistics and digital humanities (Niculae et al., 2014). This is arguably even more true for a wide range of information retrieval tasks, such as document exploration, similarity search, summarisation and clustering, where the temporal dimension plays a major role in improving search results (Alonso et al., 2007; Alonso et al., 2011). 1
2Such information, however, is not always readily available and must therefore be inferred, relying either on qualitative or quantitative methods, if not both (Ciula, 2017). Nonetheless, despite their significance, methods for temporal text classification and automatic document dating are still rather unexplored compared to other text classification tasks (Niculae et al., 2014). This, however, is most likely bound to change as the increasing availability of large-scale, time-annotated digital resources, such as Google n-grams2, is promoting research in this direction. Two recent examples of this new trend, in line with the present task, are the Diachronic Text Evaluation shared task organised by at Popescu et al. (2015) SemEval 2015 and the RetroC Challenge presented by Graliński et al.(2017).
3In this work we propose a simple, yet effective, approach for automatic document dating based on a linear multi-class Support Vector Machine classifier, trained on a combination of character and word n-grams, as well as document length in word tokens.
4The solution is evaluated in the context of the DaDoEval – Dating Document Evaluation – shared task at EVALITA 2020 (Menini et al., 2020; Basile et al., 2020. The task is based on the Alcide De Gasperi’s corpus of public documents (Tonelli et al., 2019) and is organised into six sub-tasks: (i) coarse-grained classification on same-genre data, (ii) coarse-grained classification on cross-genre data, (iii) fine-grained classification on same-genre data, (iv) fine-grained classification on cross-genre data, (v) year-based classification on same-genre data, (vi) year-based classification on cross-genre data.
5The proposed solution tackles the first two sub-tasks, coarse-grained classification on same-genre and cross-genre data. Both sub-tasks require to correctly assign document samples to one of the main five time periods identified in De Gasperi’s political life, spanning a range of over fifty years from 1901 to 1954.
6The paper is structured as follows: in section 2 we provide a brief overview of the training data set, in section 3 we go over the system setup and describe the feature space, section 4 is dedicated to results analysis and discussion, in section 5 we consider possible improvements while section 6 is reserved for final remarks.
2. Data
7The training data set released for the shared task includes 2,210 document samples extracted from the Alcide De Gasperi’s corpus of public documents, a multi-genre collection of 2,759 texts written or transcribed between 1901 and 1954 (Tonelli et al., 2019).
8With respect to the coarse-grained classification sub-tasks, the given samples are organised into five classes (see Table 1) corresponding to the main time periods historians identified in De Gasperi’s political life: Habsburg years 1901-1918, Beginning of political activity 1919-1926, Internal exile 1927-1942, From fascism to the Italian Republic 1943-1947, Building the Italian Republic 1948-1954.
Table 1: Training set overview, showing the number of document samples per class and the average number of word tokens per sample, rounded up to the nearest integer
1901-1918 | 1919-1926 | 1927-1942 | 1943-1947 | 1948-1954 | ||
Samples per class | 572 | 342 | 150 | 514 | 632 | |
Avg. sample length | 867 | 1033 | 3044 | 633 | 1209 |
9A preliminary analysis of the data set reveals an imbalanced class distribution, with a significantly lower number of samples in the third class, corresponding to the 1927-1942 interval. This, however, is partially mitigated by the markedly higher average number of word tokens per sample observed in this class compared to the other ones.
3. System Description
10The proposed solution is based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier implemented using the Scikit-learn library (Pedregosa et al., 2011).
11To account for the rather imbalanced data set, the SVM is tuned in such a way that classes are assigned weights inversely proportional to their frequency in the input data.
12Following the assumption that most text categorisation problems are linearly separable (Joachims, 1998) the model uses a linear kernel implemented in terms of libsvm (Chang and Lin, 2011) while relying on a one-versus-one decision strategy to handle both sub-tasks as multi-class, single label, classification problems.
3.1 Feature space
13The system relies solely on the data provided by the task organisers and is split into training set (80%) and development set (20%). No preprocessing is applied, as measures such as case normalisation and punctuation removal do not seem to improve the classification result on the development set, but rather to worsen it.
14Each document in the data set is represented using three sets of features: document length in terms of word tokens as well as character and word n-grams. In this respect, we explore the idea that SVMs trained on combinations of character and word n-grams are particularly effective in tackling text classification tasks (Çöltekin and Rama, 2017; Çöltekin and Rama, 2018).
15Character n-grams are extracted for and span across word boundaries, thus capturing punctuation and space characters occurring at the beginning and at the end of each word token. Word n-grams, on the other hand, are extracted for
. Both feature sets are weighted using term-frequency, inverse-document frequency (TF-IDF) to scale down the impact of the most frequent n-grams.
16The number of word tokens per document is computed in a naive way, splitting each sample at every white space. Similarly to n-gram features, tokens count are scaled down to a 0-1 range in an attempt to avoid numerical problems and prevent features in higher numeric ranges from dominating those in smaller ones (Hsu et al., 2003).
3.2 Optimisation and Tuning
17The system hyper-parameters are optimised to obtain the best F1 score on the development set.
18A subset of the hyper-parameters is tuned empirically through several experiments or on the basis of existing literature. This is the case for kernel type, decision strategy, class balancing, tolerance for stopping criterion (tol) and n-grams size.
19The remaining hyper-parameters considered during optimisation are the regularisation parameter (C) together with the maximum and minimum document frequency (max_df, min_df), which in the present approach are used to set an acceptance threshold for high and low frequency n-grams.
20These hyper-parameters are tuned through the BayesSearchCV algorithm implemented in the scikit-optimize library (Head et al., 2020), using a 5-fold-shuffled cross validation. BayesSearchCV relies on Bayesian Optimisation and explores the hyper-parameters search space exploiting the information available from previous evaluations. This is in contrast to other approaches, such as grid and random search, which move across the search space either in an exhaustive or completely random manner.
21Table 2 summarises the best hyper-parameters setup obtained from the tuning process.
Table 2: Final hyper-parameters setup for each system component
Component | Parameter | Value |
TfidfVectorizer | analyzer | word |
max_df | 0.9 | |
min_df | 0.004 | |
ngram range | (1, 2) | |
lowercase | False | |
TfidfVectorizer | analyzer | char |
max_df | 0.3 | |
min_df | 0.001 | |
ngram range | (3, 5) | |
lowercase | False | |
SVM | kernel | linear |
decision function | ovo | |
tol | 1e-12 | |
C | 0.881 | |
class weight | balanced |
4. Results
22In this section we present the results for the two sub-tasks the system participated to. Results are summarised in Table 3 and reported in terms of macro-average F1 score.
Table 3: Final rankings for sub-task 1 and 2 in terms of macro-average F1 scores
Sub-task | Team | Run | Macro F1 |
same-genre | matteo-brv | 1 | 0.934 |
2 | 0.934 | ||
team 1 | 1 | 0.858 | |
2 | 0.855 | ||
baseline | - | 0.827 | |
cross-genre | matteo-brv | 1 | 0.413 |
2 | 0.413 | ||
team 1 | 1 | 0.392 | |
baseline | - | 0.368 | |
team 1 | 2 | 0.366 |
23The system ranked first both in the same-genre and in the cross-genre coarse-grained classification task, obtaining a macro-average F1 score of 0.934 and 0.413, respectively.
4.1 Classification on same-genre data
24The runs submitted for the first sub-task are based on test samples of the same genre as the ones in the training set. The system scored well above the baseline, which was computed with a Logistic Regression model trained on TF-IDF-weighted word unigrams, without performing any preprocessing.
25Overall, the results registered on the test set are in line with those observed during training. This is confirmed by the data summarised in Table 4 and by the confusion matrix in Figure 1.
Table 4: Per-class results of the best test run for sub-task 1
Class | Precision | Recall | F1 |
-1918 | 0.914 | 0.986 | 0.948 |
1919-1926 | 0.96 | 0.872 | 0.913 |
1927-1942 | 0.973 | 0.973 | 0.973 |
1943-1947 | 0.898 | 0.898 | 0.898 |
1948-1954 | 0.939 | 0.933 | 0.936 |
Figure 1: Confusion matrix for a development set run with a macro-average F1 score of 0.95

26The confusion matrix depicts a run on the development set which achieved a macro-average F1 score of 0.95, while Table 4 reports the per-class results of the best test run submitted for the sub-task. In both cases 1919-1926, 1943-1947 and 1948-1954 are the classes showing the highest number of misclassifications and, incidentally, are also the ones corresponding to the shortest time periods.
4.2 Classification on cross-genre data
27The runs submitted for the second sub-task are based on samples coming from a cross-genre, out-of-domain test data set. These samples are a subset of the documents collected for the Epistolario project (Tonelli et al., 2020), an ongoing effort to create a digital archive of Alcide De Gasperi’s private and public correspondence.
28As expected, despite scoring above the baseline, cross-genre results are significantly lower than those obtained in the same-genre task. Per-class results summarised in Table 5 show how promising system performances registered in the same-genre task do not transfer to the cross-genre one, suggesting a poor ability of the model to generalise. Particularly interesting and worth investigating are the results registered for the third class, corresponding to the 1927-1942 interval. With respect to this class precision and recall values are equal to 0, indicating that model did not recognise any sample as belonging to this time period.
Table 5: Per-class results of the best test run for sub-task 2
Class | Precision | Recall | F1 |
-1918 | 0.583 | 0.7 | 0.636 |
1919-1926 | 1.0 | 0.15 | 0.261 |
1927-1942 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
1943-1947 | 0.6 | 0.75 | 0.667 |
1948-1954 | 0.354 | 0.85 | 0.5 |
5. Possible improvements
29Results for the same-genre task are quite encouraging and in line with those obtained on the development set, where the F1 score ranges between 0.92 and 0.96. However, with the current data and setup, there might not be much room for further improvement. Nonetheless, additional features like richness measures and linguistically motivated features (e.g. POS tags) are explored in other contributions (Štajner and Zampieri, 2013; Zampieri et al., 2016) and could help achieve more stable results.
30On the other hand, results for the second sub-task suggest a lack of generalisation on cross-genre, out-of-domain data. In this respect, even though SVM-based systems for text classification should be able to perform well and take advantage of high dimensional feature spaces (Joachims, 1998), it might still be worthwhile experimenting with some feature selection methods. Another angle worth considering is that the system might be too sensitive to the shallow n-gram features used to represent the training data. In this case, including deeper text features, such as those encoding syntactic information, might help the system to abstract away from the lexical level. A first step in this direction is attempted by Szymanski and Lynch (2015) who employ Google Syntactic N-grams in an SVM-based system that participated to the Diachronic Text Evaluation shared task (Popescu et al., 2015) at SemEval 2015.
6. Conclusions
31In this paper we describe a simple, yet effective, approach for automatic document dating implemented for the DaDoEval shared task at EVALITA 2020. The system is based on a linear Support Vector Machine and is trained on a small set of stylistic and lexical features, resulting in a fast and efficient classification model.
32In particular, the approach achieves top scores in both coarse-grained classification sub-tasks, thus confirming that SVM-based systems trained on character and word n-grams are indeed well suited to tackle text classification problems.
33Nonetheless, results observed in the second task suggest that the model does not generalise well on cross-genre data, leaving room for further improvements.
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University of Tübingen – Department of Linguistics –

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5-6 December 2016, Napoli
Anna Corazza, Simonetta Montemagni et Giovanni Semeraro (dir.)
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