DANKMEMES @ EVALITA 2020: The Memeing of Life: Memes, Multimodality and Politics
p. 275-283
DANKMEMES is a shared task proposed for the 2020 EVALITA campaign, focusing on the automatic classification of Internet memes. Providing a corpus of 2.361 memes on the 2019 Italian Government Crisis, DANKMEMES features three tasks: A) Meme Detection, B) Hate Speech Identification, and C) Event Clustering. Overall, 5 groups took part in the first task, 2 in the second and 1 in the third. The best system was proposed by the UniTor group and achieved a F1 score of 0.8501 for task A, 0.8235 for task B and 0.2657 for task C. In this report, we describe how the task was set up, we report the system results and we discuss them.
Texte intégral
1. Introduction
1Internet memes are understood as “pieces of culture, typically jokes, which gain influence through online transmission” (Davison 2012). Specifically, a meme is a multimodal artefact manipulated by users, who merges intertextual elements to convey an ironic message. Featuring a visual format that includes images, texts or a combination of them, memes combine references to current events or relatable situations and pop-cultural references to music, comics and movies (Ross and Rivers 2017).
2The pervasiveness of meme production and circulation across different platforms increases the necessity to handle massive quantities of visual data (Tanaka, Bailey, and Keich 2014) by leveraging on automated approaches. Efforts in this direction focused on the generation of memes (Peirson V and Tolunay 2018; Gonçalo Oliveira, Costa, and Pinto 2016) and on automated sentiment analysis (French 2017), while stressing the need for a multimodal approach able to contextually consider both visual and textual information (Sharma et al. 2020; Smitha, Sendhilkumar, and Mahalaksmi 2018).
3As manual labelling becomes unfeasible on a large scale, scholars require tools able to classify the huge amount of memetic content continuously produced on the web. The main goal of our shared task is to evaluate a range of technologies that can be used to automatize the process of meme recognition and sorting with an acceptable degree of reliability.
2. Task Description
4The DANKMEMES task, presented at the 2020 EVALITA campaign (Basile et al. 2020), encompasses three subtasks, aimed at: detecting memes (Task A), detecting the hate speech in memes (Task B) and clustering memes according to events (Task C). Participants could decide to take part in one or more of these tasks, with the only recommendation that Task 1 functions as the compulsory preliminary step for the other two tasks.
Task A: Meme Detection
5The lack of consensus around what defines a meme (Shifman 2013) led to different definitions, focusing on circulation (Davison 2012; Dawkins 2016), formal features (Milner 2016), or content (Gal, Shifman, and Kampf 2016; Knobel and Lankshear 2007). For this dataset, manual coding focused both on formal aspects (such as layout, multimodality and manipulation) as well as content, e.g. ironic intent (Giorgi and Rama 2019); the exponential increase in visual production, however, warrants an automated approach, which might be able to further tap into stable and generalizable aspects of memes, considering form, content and circulation. Given the dataset minus the variable strictly related to memetic status, participants must provide a binary classification, distinguishing memes (1) from non memes (0).
Task B: Hate Speech Identification
6Hate speech became a relevant issue for social media platforms. Even though the automatic classification of posts may lead to censorship of non-offensive content (Gillespie 2018), the use of machine learning techniques became more and more crucial, since manual filtering is a very time consuming task for the annotators (Zampieri et al. 2019). Recent studies have also shown that multimodal analysis is fundamental in such a task (Sabat, Ferrer, and Giro-i-Nieto 2019). In this direction, SemEval 2020 proposed the “Memotion Analysis” among its tasks, to classify sarcastic, humorous, and offensive meme (Sharma et al. 2020). This kind of analysis assumes a specific relevance when applied to political content. Memes about political topics are a powerful tool of political criticism (Plevriti 2014). For these reasons, the proposed task aims at detecting memes with offensive content. Following Zampieri definition, an offensive meme contains any form of profanity or a targeted offense, veiled or direct, such as insults, threats, profane language or swear words. Thus, the second task consists in a binary classification, where systems have to predict whether a meme is offensive (1) or not (0).
Task C: Event Clustering
7Social media react to the real world, by commenting in real-time to mediatised events in a way that disrupts traditional usage patterns (Al Nashmi 2018). The ability to understand which events are represented and how, then, becomes relevant in the context of an hyper-productive Internet.
8The goal of the third subtask is to cluster a set of memes that may be or may be not related to the 2019 Italian government crisis into five event categories (see Table 1).
Table 1: Categories for Task C: Event Clustering
Label | Description |
0 | Residual category |
1 | Beginning of the government crisis |
2 | Conte’s speech and beginning of consultations |
3 | Conte is called to form a new government |
4 | 5SM holds a vote on the platform Rousseau |
9Participants’ goal is to apply supervised techniques to cluster the memes, so that memes pinpointing to the same events are classified in the same cluster.
3. Dataset
3.1 Composition of the dataset
10The DANKMEMES dataset is comprised of 2,361 images (for each subtask a specific dataset was provided), automatically extracted from Instagram through a Python script aimed at the hashtag related to the Italian government crisis (“#crisidigoverno”). The corpus includes 367 offensive political memes unrelated to the government crisis, and aimed at augmenting and balancing the dataset for task 2.
3.2 Annotation of the dataset
11For each image of the dataset we provide both the name of the .jpg image file, the date of publication and the engagement, i.e. the number of comments and likes of the post. The dataset also includes image embeddings. The vector representations are computed employing ResNet (He et al. 2016), a state-of-the-art model for image recognition based on Deep Residual Learning. Providing such image representations allows the participants to approach these multimodal tasks focusing primarily on its NLP aspects (Kiela and Bottou 2014). The annotation process involved two Italian native speakers, who study memes at an academic level, and focused on detecting and labelling 7 relevant categories:
Macro status: refers to meme layouts and their relation to diffused, conventionalised formats called macros. The category has 0 and 1 as labels, where the value 1 represents well-known memetic frames, characters and layouts (e.g. Pepe the Frog). The identification of macros relied both on external sources (e.g. the website "Know Your Meme") and the annotators’ literacy on memes.
Picture manipulation: entails the degree of visual modification of the images. Non-manipulated or low impact changes are labeled 0 (e.g. the addition of a text or a logo). Heavily manipulated, impactful changes (e.g. images edited to include political actors) are labeled 1.
Visual actors: the political actors (i.e. politicians, parties’ logos) portrayed visually, regardless whether edited into the picture or portrayed in the original image.
Text: the textual content of the image has been extracted through optical character recognition (OCR) using Google’s Tesseract-OCR Engine, and further manually corrected.
Meme: binary feature, where 0 represents non meme images and 1 meme images. This is the target label for Task A.
Hate Speech: binary feature only for memes. It differentiates memes with offensive language (1) from non offensive memes (0). This is the target label for Task B.
Event: it is a feature only for meme images, categorizing them according to 4 events (described in 4), plus a residual category labeled as 0. This is the target label for Task C.
12The final inter-annotator agreement (IAA) has been calculated by two of the authors on a subset of the dataset through Krippendorff’s alpha (Krippendorff 2018). Four features have been considered: Macro status (), Picture manipulation (), Hate Speech () and Meme (). Other features were either objective (i.e. Visual and textual actors) or inferred from external data (i.e. events).
13Participants were allowed to use external resources, lexicons or independently annotated data. Given that, although we provided ResNet image embeddings, participants could make use of any other image representations.
3.3 Training and Test Data
14The initial dataset was split into three datasets, one for each task, structured as follows:
Dataset for Meme Detection (Task A)
15The whole dataset counts 2,000 images, half memes and half not (see Figure 1 for an example). We split the dataset into training and test sets, in a proportion of 80-20% of items. Table 2 represents the format of the training dataset. The test dataset has been provided without gold labels, i.e. without the “Meme" attribute.
Table 2: An excerpt from the dataset for Task A, Meme Detection
File | Engagement | Date | Manip. | Visual | Text | Meme |
1.jpg | 21,053 | 22/08/19 | 1 | Conte | aiuto | 0 |
56.jpg | 114 | 22/08/19 | 0 | Salvini | alle solite | 1 |
Dataset for Hate Speech Identification (Task B)
16The whole dataset counts 1,000 memes (see Figure 2 for an example). We split the dataset into training and test sets, in a proportion of 80-20% of items. Table 3 represents the format of the training dataset. The test dataset has been provided without the gold label “Hate Speech" for testing purposes.
Table 3: An excerpt from the dataset for Task B, Hate Speech Identification
File | Engagement | Manip. | Visual | Text | Hate Speech |
62.jpg | 21,053 | 1 | Conte | aiuto | 0 |
114.jpg | 12,572 | 1 | Salvini | merdman | 1 |
Dataset for Event Clustering (Task C)
17The whole dataset counts 1,000 memes (see Figure 3 for an example). We split the dataset into training and test sets, in a proportion of 80-20% of items. Table 4 shows the format of the training set. The test set has been provided without gold labels (i.e. without the “Event" attribute) for testing purposes.
Table 4: An excerpt from the dataset for Task C, Event Clustering
File | Engagement | Date | Macro | Manip. | Visual | Text | Event |
43.jpg | 21,053 | 22/08/19 | 1 | 1 | Conte | aiuto | 1 |
23.jpg | 114 | 22/08/19 | 1 | 0 | Salvini | alle solite | 0 |
114.jpg | 12,572 | 25/08/19 | 0 | 1 | Salvini | merdman | 2 |
Table 5: Participants along with their affiliations and the tasks they participated in
Team Name | Affiliation | Task |
DMT | RN Podar School | A |
Keila | Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica di Perugia | A |
UniTor | Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" | A,B,C |
UPB | Univesity Politehnica of Bucharest | A,B |
SNK | ETI3 | A |
3.4 Data release
18Both the training and the test sets were released on our website and protected with a password. As described in Section 3.3, the development data consisted of three distinct datasets, one for each task. The participants could download a distinct folder for each task, which contained:
A UTF-8 encoded comma separated “.csv” file with 800 items (1,600 for task A), containing the metadata described in Section 3.3;
A folder containing the images in .jpg format;
A .csv file containing the relative image embeddings.
19As for the test data, we released three folders whose structure is similar to the ones of the training sets. Each folder for the train sets contains:
A UTF-8 encoded comma separated “.csv” file with 200 items (400 for Task A), which features the same metadata of the corresponding training set minus the golden label (i.e. “Meme" for Task A, “Hate speech" for Task B and “Event" for Task C);
A folder containing the images in .jpg format;
A .csv file containing the relative image embeddings.
20All material was released for non-commercial research purposes only under a Creative Common license (BY-NC-ND 4.0). Any use for statistical, propagandistic or advertising purposes of any kind is prohibited. It is not possible to modify, alter or enrich the data provided for the purposes of redistribution.
4. Evaluation Measures
21For all tasks, the models have been evaluated with Precision, Recall, and F1 scores defined as follows:
where TP are true positives, and FN and FP are false negatives and false positives, respectively. We computed Precision, Recall, and F1 for Task A and Task B considering only the positive class. For what concerns Task C, which is a multiclass classification task, we computed the performance for each class and then calculated the macro-average over all classes.
22Different baselines were used for the different tasks:
Task A: Meme Detection
23The baseline is given by the performance of a random classifier, which labels 50% of images as meme.
Task B: Hate Speech Identification
24The baseline is given by the performance of a classifier labeling a meme as offensive when the meme text contains at least a swear word1.
Task C: Event Clustering
25The baseline is given by the performance of a classifier labeling every meme as belonging to the most numerous class (i.e. the residual one).
5. Participants and Results
26In total, 16 teams registered for DANKMEMES, and five of them participated in at least one of the tasks: DankMemesTeam (DMT) (Setpal and Sarti 2020), Keila, UPB (Vlad et al. 2020), SNK (Fiorucci 2020), and UniTor (Breazzano et al. 2020).
27All of the 5 teams participated in Task A, while 2 teams participated in Task B and 1 in Task C. Participants could submit up to two runs per task: all of the teams did so consistently across tasks, with the exception of one team submitting a single run in Task A. This amounts to 9 runs for Task A, 4 for Task B and 2 for Task C, as detailed in Table 5.
Task A: Meme Detection.
28Task A consisted in differentiating between a meme and a not-meme. Five teams presented a total of 9 runs, as detailed in Table 6. The best scores have been achieved by the UniTor team with an F1-measure of 0.8501 (with a Precision score of 0.8522 and a Recall measure of 0.848). The SNK and UPB teams followed closely, but all teams consistently showed a drastic improvement over the baseline.
Table 6: Results of Task A
Team | Run | Recall | Precision | F1 |
Unitor | 0.8522 | 0.848 | 0.8501 | |
SNK | 0.8515 | 0.8431 | 0.8473 | |
UPB | 0.8543 | 0.8333 | 0.8437 | |
Unitor | 0.839 | 0.8431 | 0.8411 | |
SNK | 0.8317 | 0.848 | 0.8398 | |
UPB | 0.861 | 0.7892 | 0.8235 | |
DMT | 0.8249 | 0.7157 | 07664 | |
Keila | 0.8121 | 0.6569 | 0.7263 | |
Keila | 0.7389 | 0.652 | 0.6927 | |
baseline | 0.525 | 0.5147 | 0.5198 |
Task B: Hate Speech Identification
29Task B consisted in the identification of whether a meme is offensive or not. As detailed in Table 7, 2 teams participated in this task for a total of 4 runs (2 each). The best scores are achieved by the UniTor team for the F1-measure at 0.823 and the Recall score of 0.8667, while the UPB team scored the best Precision measure at 0.8056. The scores improve over the baseline consistently across teams for what concerns the Recall score and the F1-measure, while the Precision measure was not reached by any participant.
Table 7: Results of Task B.
Team | Run | Recall | Precision | F1 |
UniTor | 2 | 0.7845 | 0.8667 | 0.8235 |
UniTor | 1 | 0.7686 | 0.8857 | 0.823 |
UPB | 1 | 0.8056 | 0.8286 | 0.8169 |
UPB | 2 | 0.8333 | 0.7143 | 0.7692 |
baseline | 1 | 0.8958 | 0.4095 | 0.5621 |
Task C: Event Clustering
30Task C consisted in clustering memes into 5 events using supervised classification. As seen in Table 8, a single team participated with 2 runs: the best score is therefore that of the UniTor team, with an F1-score of 0.2657.
Table 8: Results of Task C
Team | Run | Recall | Precision | F1 |
UniTor | 1 | 0.2683 | 0.2851 | 0.2657 |
UniTor | 2 | 0.2096 | 0.2548 | 0.2183 |
baseline | 1 | 0.096 | 0.2 | 0.1297 |
6. Discussion
31We compare the participating systems according to the following main dimensions: classification framework, exploitation of available features, multimodality of the adopted approaches, exploitation of further annotated data, and use of external resources. Since this is the first task about memes within the EVALITA campaign, we could not compare the obtained results with those achieved in any previous edition. A task about memes, Memotion, has been organized under SemEval 2020 (Sharma et al. 2020). However, the Memotion subtasks (Sentiment Classification, Humor Classification, and Scales of Semantic Classes) are quite different from those presented in DANKMEMES, and the results are hardly comparable.
System architecture
32All the submitted runs to DANKMEMES leverage on neural networks, including very simple but equally efficient architectures. Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) have been adopted by UniTor and SNK, ranked first and second in the the Meme Detection task, respectively. UPB adopted a Vocabulary Graph Convolutional Network (VGCN) combined with BERT contextual embeddings for text analysis. This team employed this architectural design within a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) technique, based on two main neural network components: one for the text and the other for the image analysis. The outputs of these two elements were concatenated and used to feed a Dense layer. The system in DMT is composed of three 8-layer feed-forward networks, each taking as input a different image vector representation. Finally, Keila exploited Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in each of the submitted run.
External resources
33All the presented models employed external resources to feed their neural architecture with image and text representations. The text contained in the images was encoded by using different flavours of word embeddings. Most of the participants exploited one of the available BERT contextual embeddings model for the Italian language (AlBERTo, UmBERTo, or GilBERTo). However, with its first run, SNK achieved the second position in the Meme Detection task using the pre-trained FastText embeddings for the Italian language. Similarly, Keila adopted pre-trained Word2Vec for the Italian language, though achieving lower results. As for the visual channel, the DANKMEMES datasets provided a state-of-the-art representation of images, obtained with the ResNet50 architecture. Most of the participants experimented the use of other image vector representations as well: DMT used three different image vector: AlexNet, ResNet, and DenseNet; UniTor and UPB examined several models, among which: EfficientNET, VGG-16, YOLOv4, ResNet50, and ResNet152. UniTor chose EfficientNet for their final models, while UPB based their ssystems on ResNet50 and ResNet152.
34The exploitation of both images and text turned out to be fundamental for the task of Meme Detection. Since memes adhere to specific visual conventions, participants tried to exploit visual data at their best. The first run of UniTor only relied on an image classifier, whereas DMT exploited the information resulting from three different image classification models, then combined with word embeddings. Nevertheless, the best results were obtained by the combination of text and image information. In its second run, UniTor concatenated the image representation returned by their first model with pre-trained contextual word embeddings fine-tuned on DANKMEMES data. Similarly, SNK and UPB leveraged both textual and image data. Keila was the only participant who did not combine text and image information in any of the submitted runs. For what concerns the second task, the first UniTor run only relied on textual data and was slightly overcame only by their second run. As observed by the team, in the Hate Speech Identification task, textual data heavily impact the classification results. Finally, UPB combined both image and textual data for this task.
Data Augmentation
35Several participants chose to adopt a data augmentation technique. UniTor successfully manipulated the provided images by horizontally mirroring them. On the contrary, DMT created nine versions of each image at first, editing brightness, rotation, and zoom, but then dropped them due to the overfitting caused by the unmodified metadata associated with each image. Keila augmented textual data by firstly translating the image texts in English and then back to Italian. Regarding the second task on Hate Speech Identification, UniTor trained for a few epochs the UmBERTo embeddings on a dataset made available within the Hate Speech Detection (HaSpeeDe) task (Bosco et al. 2018) before training it on the DANKMEMES dataset.
Exploited features
36SNK encoded and concatenated in a single vector picture manipulation, visual, and engagement, along with the sentence and the image representation of each meme. Keila employed engagement and manipulation features as well. DMT normalized engagement and represented dates with the count of days from a selected reference date. Along with the other provided data, temporal features were exploited by UPB as well, through the computation of complementary sine and cosine distances, in order to preserve the cyclic characteristics of days and months. Finally, UniTor relied only on visual and textual information.
Event Clustering
37The goal of this task was to assign each meme to the event it refers to. Only UniTor participated in this task, modeling it as a classification problem in two distinguished runs. The first model only exploited textual data representation provided by the Transformer architecture to feed the MLP classifier. Furthermore, UniTor submitted a second run. The team mapped the original classification problem, which counted five different labels (each corresponding to an event) over a binary classification one. After pairing a meme to each event, a pair was labeled as positive if the association was correct, negative otherwise. However, this run did not overpass the first one, the outcome of which doubled the provided baseline.
7. Final Remarks
38The paper describes a task for the detection and analysis of memes in the Italian language. DANKMEMES is the first task of this kind in the EVALITA campaign. Although memes are widespread on the Web, it is still hard to define them precisely. However, DANKMEMES highlighted the fundamental role of multimodality in memes detection, mainly the combined use of texts and images for their classification. Therefore, we could say that memes share peculiar linguistic features, other than conventional layouts. Future work will focus on the extension of the dataset, which showed some limitations, especially for its reduced size and for the unbalanced representation of some events. This is due to the difficulty of meme collection, especially when filtered in relation to a specific event (e.g., the 2019 Italian government crisis).
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Notes de bas de page
1 The list of swear words was downloaded from: https://www.freewebheaders.com/italian-bad-words-list-and-swear-words/ (last access: 2nd November 2020).
University for Foreigners of Siena – CoLing Lab, Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics, University of Pisa – martina.miliani@fileli.unipi.it
Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan – giulia.giorgi@unito.it
Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan – ilir.rama@unimi.it
Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan – guido.anselmi@unimi.it
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – gianluca.lebani@unive.it
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Bologna, Italy, March 1-3, 2021
Felice Dell'Orletta, Johanna Monti et Fabio Tamburini (dir.)
Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021
Milan, Italy, 26-28 January, 2022
Elisabetta Fersini, Marco Passarotti et Viviana Patti (dir.)