Gli autori
p. 185-188
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Texte intégral
1Bénédicte Boisson est Maître de conférences en études théâtrales à l’Université Rennes 2 – Haute Bretagne, membre de l’équipe d’accueil 3208 « Arts : pratiques et poétiques » et membre associée à ARIAS-CNRS. Dans une double perspective, anthropologique et esthétique, elle travaille sur la co-présence, celle des acteurs et des spectateurs, dans le théâtre moderne et contemporain. La relation théâtrale, la question du spectateur et l’analyse des représentations sont au centre de ses recherches. En novembre 2010, elle a publié, en collaboration avec Alice Folco et Ariane Martinez, La mise en scène théâtrale de 1800 à nos jours aux Presses Universitaires de France.
2Franco Perrelli è professore ordinario di Discipline dello Spettacolo presso il DAMS dell’Università di Torino e specialista del teatro scandinavo e contemporaneo. Fra i suoi ultimi libri più rilevanti : William Bloch. La regia e la musica della vit a (Led, Milano 2001) ; Storia della scenografia (Carocci, Roma 2002) ; Echi nordici di grandi attori italiani (Le Lettere, Firenze 2004) ; La seconda creazione. Fondamenti della regia teatrale (Utet, Torino 2005) ; I maestri della ricerca teatrale. Il Living, Grotowski, Barba e Brook (Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007 ; premio Pirandello 2009) ; Strindberg : la scrittura e la scena (Le Lettere, Firenze 2009) ; Ludvig Josephson e l’Europa teatrale (Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2012).
3Magda Romanska is a Polish born award-winning writer, theatre scholar and dramaturg. She is an associate professor of theatre and dramaturgy at Emerson College in Boston, a research associate at Harvard University’s Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies. She is a recipient of the 2011 Aquila Polonica Article Prize and the 2010 Gerald Kahan Scholar’s Prize. Her books include Boguslaw Schaeffer : An Anthology (Oberon Books, 2012), Comedy : Theory and Criticism (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2013) and The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy (Routledge, forthcoming 2014). Former exchange scholar at the Yale School of Drama and fellow at the Mellon School of Theatre and Performance Research at Harvard University, she graduated with honors from Stanford University and holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University.
4Tatiana Motta Lima is an actress, director and professor of PPGAC (Post-graduate Program in Performing Arts) and of the Acting Department of UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro) ; Doctor of Performing Arts by PPGAC / UNIRIO (with doctor scholarship at the Paris VIII, under mentorship of Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Pradier). Her thesis about the work of Grotowski received honorable mention in the Prêmio Capes de Teses 2008 (Thesis Capes Award) and has just been published : Palavras Praticadas : o percurso artístico de Jerzy Grotowski, 1959-1974, Editora Perspectiva, 2012. Her main points of work are : Grotowski, Workcenter, creative processes in acting, pedagogical processes for the actor. Tatiana minister workshops and lectures in Brazil and abroad. In 2009, she was the curator of the “Seminário Internacional Grotowski 2009”. She follows the work of the Workcenter for many years : in 2005/2006, she was part of the Documentation Team of the project “Tracing Roads Across” ; in 2008, one of her interviews was published in the book Heart of Practice, by Thomas Richards and, in 2011, she was invited to participate in the activities of the Workcenter at ECUM (World Meeting of Performing Arts) in Belo Horizonte, and Le Mans, France.
5Giulia Randone, dottoranda di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, si è laureata in Storia del Teatro con una tesi sull’attore grottesco nel teatro polacco del Novecento.
6Iwona E. Rusek is the editor in-chief of the quarterly LiteRacje (www. and the president of Tadeusz Boy-Z˙elen´ski LiteRacje Association. She holds a PhD in humanities from the University of Warsaw. Her academic interests revolve around Polish literature (Romanticism, Positivism, Young Poland), philosophy (Plato, Schopenhauer), mythology and symbolism. Her work involves collaboration with the Laboratory of Modernism Literature of Central and Eastern Europe from the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research “East-West” from the University of Bialystok. Her multiple publications may be found in scholarly magazines and some omnibus editions (inter alia Sensi di un Teatro. Sette testimonianze sul Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, Roma 2010 ; Les sens d’un theatre. 3 témoignages sur The Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, Le Mans 2011).
7Éric Vautrin est Maître de conférences en études théâtrales à l’université de Caen Basse-Normandie, membre de l’équipe LASLAR (EA4256, « Lettres, Langues, Arts ») et chercheur associé à l’ARIAS-CNRS. Ses recherches portent sur la représentation théâtrale contemporaine ; ses travaux récents sont au croisement de l’esthétique, de l’histoire de l’art et de l’anthropologie, tentant de relier histoire des formes et des techniques, relation théâtrale, pratiques de création et cadres symboliques et institutionnels.
8Yannick Butel est dramaturge, critique et professeur des universités en Etudes théâtrales à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille. Il a notamment publié, Essai sur la Présence au théâtre (2000), Vous comprenez Hamlet (2005) et Regard Critique aux Solitaires Intempestifs (2009). Il collabore à diverses revues et a participé au numéro consacré à Claude Régy, les Voies de la Création théâtrales, CNRS édition, Paris 2009. Il est par ailleurs directeur de la série « scènes » collection « Arts » aux Presses universitaires de Provence et dirige la revue Incertains Regards. Il est aussi co-fondateur de l’Insensé (plateforme numérique de critique en ligne des arts vivants). Au cinéma, il a réalisé le documentaire Les Acteurs de cristal (2012).
9Dr. Kris Salata is a Polish-born American artist-scholar and educator. He earned his Ph.D. in Drama and the Humanities at Stanford University, and is Associate Professor in Performance at the School of Theatre, Florida State University. He teaches acting, directing, and theory courses in the BA, MA, MFA, and Ph.D. programs. He focuses his research on phenomenological, ontological, and epistemological aspects of theatre practice with emphasis on Performance as Research. He has translated Jerzy Grotowski’s texts as well as published numerous articles and book chapters on Grotowski and on the Workcenter. He has been a member of the Workcenter Documentation Team since 2004. His most recent book, The Unwritten Grotowski : Theory and Practice of the Encounter, (Routledge, 2012), focuses on Grotowski’s living legacy.
10Isabelle Schiltz est née en 1982 au Luxembourg, son identité se construit en permanence dans la pluralité des cinq langues qu’elle pratique et ainsi a donné naissance à un cheminement « européen » : dans le voyage et dans les études, d’un pays à l’autre, d’une langue à l’autre, des études de la philosophie aux études théâtrales dans lesquelles elle fait actuellement son master à l’Université Paris 8.
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Teorie e visioni dell'esperienza "teatrale"
L'arte performativa tra natura e culture
Edoardo Giovanni Carlotti
La nascita del teatro ebraico
Persone, testi e spettacoli dai primi esperimenti al 1948
Raffaele Esposito
Le jardin
Récits et réflexions sur le travail para-théâtral de Jerzy Grotowski entre 1973 et 1985
François Kahn