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Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2017

Roberto Basili
Malvina Nissim
Giorgio Satta

“Gimme the Usual” - How Handling of Pragmatics Improves Chatbots

Alessia Bianchini, Francesco Tarasconi, Raffaella Ventaglio und Mariafrancesca Guadalupi


We provide our view on the components needed for both the development and further improvement of robust and effective chatbots. We focus on why Pragmatics is important in developing next generation chatbots by bringing a few generalizable examples. We report our current experience on the design and implementation of a task-oriented textual chatbot for a closed-domain Question Answering system, which tackles problems in Pragmatics.


1 Why Pragmatics Matters in Chatbots

1Chatbot, chatterbot, natural-language interface, dialogue system are some of the terms used to refer to softwares that aim to carry on conversations with humans (Mauldin, 1994; Lester, Branting and Mott, 2004; Boualem, Casati and Toumani, 2004). We will not go into further details about the classification and definition of such softwares. We will use chatbot as if it was a hypernym of the above mentioned softwares instead.

2Chatbots and Intent Understanding. The goal of an intelligent chatbot is to understand the user’s intent (Yue, 2017) and behave accordingly. Such goal is quite complex to achieve, and beyond the capability of current state of the art chatbots. However, the hype around chatbots has raised awareness of what elements are needed for a chatbot to manage human-like interactions. It is generally agreed that to build effective and solid chatbots the following is needed:

3Natural Language Processing (NLP): much of the intelligence needed to understand human intent lies in the processing of human language. Hence, the development and improvement of NLP algorithms is a necessary prerequisite for the creation of intelligent chatbots.

4Machine Learning (ML): chatbot design should rely on ML for learning and automatically consolidating NLP rules by means of observation of past experience - i.e., past conversations and their outcomes (Perez-Marin, 2011). Current chatbot development, given enough annotated data, should consider adopting recently developed algorithms that are task-oriented (Bordes and Weston, 2016) or topic aware (Xing, Chen et al., 2017). Developments in reinforcement learning applications seem promising for task-oriented dialogue systems (Rieser and Lemon, 2011).

5Context and State Awareness: depending on the purpose of the chatbot, the component responsible for the managing of the conversation (Dialogue Manager System - DMS) should take into account both context and states variables (Allen, Byron, Dzikovska, Ferguson, Galescu and Stent, 2001). From the DMS point of view, chatbots are usually classified as: stateless chatbots; semi-stateful chatbots; stateful chatbots (next generation chatbots). During the conversation, state transitions depend on the information acquired before. As for the follow up action, it depends on the recognized context.

6Natural Language Generation (NLG): NLG concerns what information and in what form it should be delivered (Breen, 2014). Dealing with “real” conversation requires being both proactive (e.g. suggest the best option; drive along the compilation of a form; remind planned activities; ...) (Owen et al., 2001) and adaptive (e.g. change style - both in written and spoken scenarios - according to domain, mood of the user, or sociolinguistic variables).

7We argue here that, in addition to the above mentioned, moving from Semantics to Pragmatics plays a crucial role in building chatbots. This is because a lot of the knowledge human beings share during a conversation gets constructed along the conversation itself (Robyn, 2002; Pask, 1975). For instance, let’s consider the following mock dialogue between Human (H) and Chatbot (C):

H lands on a money transfer service page.
H: Hello, I would like to make a transfer
C: Hello. Sure. Would you like to know more about: [FAQ menu about transfer service is shown]?
H navigates the FAQ menu
H signs up online to proceed with the transfer.
H: I would like to make a transfer
C: Sure. It only takes a couple of minutes
C starts the procedure to execute the transfer.

8In this interaction, the sentence “I would like to make a transfer” instantiates two different intents: informative intent, at first (H is looking for information about the transfer service); follow up intent, then (once H is satisfied with transfer service conditions, he/she wants to proceed with the transfer). Such pragmatic disambiguation involves taking knowledge from the conversational context into account, which is one of the most difficult tasks for a chatbot. We report below how we deal with this task in our task-oriented closed-domain chatbot.

2 Intent Understanding in Practice

9Understanding intents implies handling both semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning. Roughly speaking, while semantics concerns the meaning of a sentence from the linguistic point of view, Pragmatics concerns the interpretation of the same sentence depending on extralinguistic knowledge (Grice, 1975). As mentioned before, a sentence can be ambiguous from the intent point of view. As for classifying intents, there seems to be no comprehensive literature about it, yet - not from the chatbot perspective, at least. However, based on our business experience, we would arrange intents as follows:

10Informative Intent: the user is looking for information; e.g. Question and Answer (QA), FAQ browsing typically instantiate this intent.

11Follow Up Intent: as in regular conversations, the user wants to “do things with words” (Austin, 1962), perform actions; e.g. “Call the call center”, “Order pizza”, “Turn on washing machine”.

12Dialogic Intent: the user uses discourse markers to connect, organize, manage the conversation; e.g.: greetings, farewells, turns markers, ...

13Regular expressions, pattern matching and keyword recognition typically are not enough to achieve real intent understanding. This is because the more the interaction is human-like, the more complicated it becomes to figure out what the human really wants. Among business intent, real life cases we faced are: Onboarding, Question Answering and Education. In our applications, we break down the understanding process into subtasks. Namely: intent classification (e.g. “booking a flight”); slot filling, i.e. enriching the intent with more detailed information (such as “destination” and “departure time”); context modeling, i.e. keeping track of context to get to the correct meaning (“time” might refer to “flight departure time”, “flight arrival time”, “dinner time”, etc...).

3 System Design and Architecture

14Our task-oriented closed-domain financial textual chatbot, Financial QA Chatbot, aims to provide users with answers concerning banks and insurances, through a conversation in Italian. The type of answers that a user can obtain are similar to the ones found on a financial platform website1: this portal provides a search engine and FAQ section to satisfy the information need. Therefore, it is mainly a QA chatbot, although some additional follow up actions are available on top of providing an answer to questions, such as redirecting to specific websites or services. Financial QA is provided with a proprietary scoring algorithm to match the current user’s questions to answers in a database A. In line with previous work (Quarteroni and Manandhar, 2007), we will review key design and architecture aspects, with emphasis on possible solutions to Pragmatics problems discussed in sections 1 and 2. In this sense, the most significant components are the Dialogue Manager and the Context Manager, which provide the scoring algorithm enriched information.

15NLP functions such as normalization, tokenization, lemmatization, POS tagging, disambiguation and dependency parsing are made available through the CELI linguistic pipeline2 (Tarasconi and Di Tomaso, 2015).

16Dialogue Scenario: a QA session consists of actions that can be performed by the user or by the automated system, according to Dialogue Management logic.

17User actions: greet, quit, ask a question q, acknowledge the previous utterance, ask for help/suggestions, browse the navigation menu. System actions: greet, quit, present answer a, acknowledge the previous utterance, ask for clarifications, propose a follow up (question/action), reprimand for using swearwords, suggest questions, present or hide the navigation menu.

18User’s action classification: each user’s utterance is classified into one of five action classes: greet, quit, ask a question, acknowledge, ask for help. This is accomplished using predefined dictionaries and automatic classifiers, which also consider discourse markers and disfluencies. Although there is promising work done on dialog act detection with multi-level information (Rosset et al., 2008), in this step with adopt a simpler approach, leaving further refinements to subsequent components.

19Dialogue Management: the conversation proceeds along these logics.

  1. An initial greeting (greet action), a request for help (ask for help) or a direct question q (ask a question) from the user.

  2. The system, if asked for help, presents the user with a navigation menu, based on current context and on the given hierarchical classification of contexts or topics (see Context Management below). This menu can be browsed until a terminal node in the classification is reached, and, at that point, a predefined set of questions related to that topic is suggested. The user can select a question q from that list.

  3. q is analyzed to detect wh-type (Huang et al., 2008) and whether it is elliptic or anaphoric. This information is passed along with q and the current context to the subsequent QA component.

  4. The QA component searches for matches of the query according to the QA Algorithm. Each matching answer ak is accompanied by a relevance score Image 100000000000006100000012CB815BFA.jpg. If at least one match has relevance more than a fixed threshold T , only the best match (highest relevance) is returned. Otherwise, up to the top Nr highest results are returned by the QA component. In Financial QA’s basic settings, T = 0.75 and Nr = 5.

  5. The QA component results are processed: they can be a single answer or, because of low relevance scores, a list of answers. If a single answer is provided by the QA component, it is returned to the user (answer action). In the case of a list, the user is asked for clarifications, and a single answer is selected based on her additional input (ask for clarifications action, then answer action). After an answer is provided to the user, context is updated accordingly.

  6. The system inquires whether the user is interested in a follow up session; if this is the case, the user can enter a question again. Else, the system acknowledges.

  7. Whenever the user wants to terminate the interaction, a final greeting is exchanged (quit action).

20Context Management: intuitively, all the answers a in the knowledge base are grouped in disjoint topics of maximum granularity, which are then organized in a hierarchical structure, used to model context in this QA task.

21Managing topic hierarchies can improve performance in a query matching system (Domingues et al., 2014). Formally, context elements are topics of conversation belonging to the finite set C = {C1, …, CN}. Topics are arranged in a hierarchical classification structure, which can be represented as a tree T = (C, E), where C is the set of nodes. Edges E express the “Ci has subclass Cj” relation. A context X is, in general, an arbitrarily ordered sequence of topics.

22In our current implementation of Financial QA, we support only contexts of length 1, therefore the context Xs at step s of the conversation is the position Cs in T. We assume all interactions start at the root node C0. Xs is meant to represent the current topic of conversation at step s, according to the last answer provided or the latest click on the navigation menu. By supporting contexts of length > 1, it is also possible to keep track of previous topics of conversation.

23Each node Ci has a corresponding nonempty set of topic-related keywords Wi.

An important distinction is drawn between terminal nodes CΩ and nonterminal nodes C/CΩ. Each terminal node CjΩ has a (potentially empty) set of answers Aj corresponding to it. All the Aj sets are disjointed. Let A be the set of all answers: Image 100000000000009300000017A629ECC3.jpg.

24In our current implementation, there are 35 classification nodes arranged on 3 levels, 25 of them are terminal ones; the number of answers in the knowledge base is 440, and growing In the Financial QA chatbot, two types of moves between contexts in C are allowed:

251. To children nodes or root node: using the interactive navigation menu. Context is updated automatically according to the user’s selection.

26Example: You are in the People section.

27Ask me a question or choose one of the following topics:

28(a) members

29(b) influencers

30(c) contact us

31(d) return to main menu


2. To any terminal node: after answer ak is provided to the user by the system, new context becomes Cj, where Aj contains ak. Example: after providing the answer COST_OF_GOORUF = “Gooruf is free, only Premium Providers are required to pay”, context is changed to ROOT Image 10000000000000160000000C75745135.jpg services info_about_gooruf, info_about_gooruf being the terminal topic containing answer COST_OF_GOORUF.


QA Algorithm Design: question q, its wh-type h, and its current context Cs are passed to the algorithm. Keywords wq are extracted from q. If q is anaphoric or elliptic, the algorithm evaluates whether to expand Wq to Image 10000000000000110000000F49F12A15.jpgq by using keywords Ws corresponding to Cs. The final representation of q is:

Image 100000000000008A00000012262877CB.jpg

Answers Image 10000000000000330000000D0ED1EE9E.jpg are described by the following feature vector:

Image 100000000000009B000000155E800819.jpg

32where CaΩ is the classification terminal node corresponding to a, Wa the corresponding keywords and Ha a set of related wh-type (for example a user might inquire about Gooruf by referring to it as a what or a who).

33Relevance rk for each answer ak is computed, by considering the classification structure T as well, therefore:

Image 10000000000000BF0000001227774EDF.jpg

To compute ρ, scores are calculated separately by comparing contexts (using proximity in T between Cs and CaΩ in T), wh-types (h and Ha) and a dense semantic representation of keywords (Image 10000000000000110000000F49F12A15.jpgq and Wa) obtained using a Word2Vec model for Italian language (Mikolov et al., 2013); before these partial scores are weighted and summed.

34Example: we provide below an example of Financial QA interaction which shows how managing hierarchical context helps in accomplishing the question answering task.

35A subtree taxes of T models Italian taxes-related topics:

  • taxes → city_taxes

  • taxes → income_taxes

Individual taxes are represented as terminal nodes in T. Let Image 1000000000000024000000134F6C2E7D.jpg = {IRPEF, IRAP, TARI, TASI}. Each Image 100000000000006100000013B44B93C4.jpg has associated answers: “HOW_TO_PAY t”, “WHERE_TO_PAY t”, “AMOUNT_TO_PAY t”.

36The interaction could go as follows:

H: How can I pay city taxes?
QA Algorithm detects wh-type how, keywords matching the city_taxes node, finds two relevant answers in children nodes and Chatbot asks for clarification.
C: Did you mean TARI or TASI?
H: the second one
Chatbot presents answer “HOW_TO_PAY TASI” Context is now TASI.
H: and where can I pay it?
QA Algorithm detects wh-type where and completes the question with context knowledge. Chatbot finds a single relevant answer and presents answer “WHERE_TO_PAY TASI.”
H: how much IRPEF should I pay?
Chatbot presents “AMOUNT_TO_PAY IRPEF.” Context is now IRPEF.
H: where can I pay it?
Chatbot presents ”WHERE_TO_PAY IRPEF”.

4 Conclusions and Further Work

37We are currently in the process of evaluating Financial QA according to a framework based on PARADISE (Walker et al., 1997; Rieser and Lemon, 2011), which considers, among the others, the following indicators: Task Ease, NLU Performance, Expected Behavior, Presentation, Verbal Presentation, Future Use. We plan to finalize our evaluation in the next months.

38NLP is crucial for the development of robust chatbots; since extra-linguistic elements are potentially very important in intent understanding, moving from semantics to pragmatics is a necessary step to develop next-generation chatbots. We have shown how Dialogue Management can support a more robust handling of context, at least in closed-domain QA tasks.

39Further work is required to handle more business cases and a broader definition of context, such as history of activities conducted by the same user, which can be especially useful in chatbots with recommender functions (Lombardi et al., 2009). We would like to thank Andrea Bolioli for his help in the review phase and all of our CELI colleagues for their invaluable work and support.


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