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Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015

Cristina Bosco
Sara Tonelli
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto


Cristina Bosco, Sara Tonelli y Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Texto completo

1We are glad to introduce CLiC-it 2015 (​), the second edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, organized this year for the first time by the newborn Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC).

2AILC (​) is born after a long period of discussion within the variegated community linked by the common interest towards Computational Linguistics (CL) in Italy, until now sparse in several research areas and associations. Considering that CL spans over a range of disciplines from Linguistics to Computer Science, AILC proposes the characterization of their members’ work in terms of methodologies and approaches, rather than topics. The goal is to collect the different souls of CL around the same table, where the future of CL in Italy can be investigated and the initiatives for fostering its development promoted by more coordinated activities, with an emphasis on Italian language. AILC’s main aim is to promote the theoretical and experimental reflection on methodologies, scientific cooperation and development of shared practices, resources and tools, and, last but not least, the transfer of technology and knowledge to the market within the area of CL.

3The goals of the Association include the promotion of scientific and educational initiatives for the diffusion of CL, with a special focus on Italian, as well as of the visibility and knowledge diffusion about initiatives and resources, in order to support interdisciplinary projects. AILC also fosters the integration of competences and professional skills from both the humanity and computational area, and the establishment and consolidation of links with other Italian, European or international initiatives around CL, also proposing direct involvement of the Association. AILC also promotes CL within the national policies for university and scientific research.


4CLiC-it 2015 is held in Trento on December 3-4 2015, hosted and locally organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), one the most important Italian research centers for what concerns CL. The organization of the conference is the result of a fruitful conjoint effort of different research groups (Universita` di Torino, Universita di Roma Tor Vergata and FBK) showing the nationwide spreading of CL in Italy.` As in the first edition, the main aim of the event is at establishing a reference forum on CL, covering all the aspects needed to describe the multi-faceted and cross-disciplinary reality of the involved research topics and of the Italian community working in this area. Indeed the spirit of CLiC-it is inclusive, in order to build a scenario as much as possible comprehensive of the complexity of language phenomena and approaches to address them, bringing together researchers and scholars with different competences and skills and working on different aspects according to different perspectives.

5Relevant topics for CLiC-it 2015 include, but are not limited to, the following thematic areas:

  • Information Extraction and Information Retrieval – Area chairs: Roberto Basili (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Giovanni Semeraro (Università di Bari)

  • Linguistic Resources – Area chairs: Maria Simi (Università di Pisa), Tommaso Caselli (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Claudia Soria (ILC - CNR, Pisa)

  • Machine Translation – Area chairs: Marco Turchi (FBK, Trento), Johanna Monti (Università di Sassari)

  • Morphology, Syntax and Parsing – Area chairs: Felice Dell’Orletta (ILC - CNR, Pisa), Fabio Tamburini (Università di Bologna), Cristiano Chesi (IUSS, Pavia)

  • NLP for Digital Humanities – Area chairs: Alessandro Lenci (Università di Pisa), Fabio Ciotti (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

  • NLP for Web and Social Media – Area chair: Francesca Chiusaroli (Università di Macerata), DanielePighin (Google Inc.)

  • Pragmatics and Creativity – Area chairs: Carlo Strapparava (FBK, Trento), Rossana Damiano (Università di Torino)

  • Semantics and Knowledge Acquisition – Area chair: Elena Cabrio (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis), Armando Stellato (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

  • Spoken language processing – Area chairs: Giuseppe Riccardi (Università di Trento), Piero Cosi (ISTC-CNR, Padova)

  • Towards EVALITA 2016: challenges, methodologies and tasks – Area chairs: Franco Cutugno (Università di Napoli Federico II), Viviana Patti (Università di Torino), Rachele Sprugnoli (FBK, Trento - Università di Trento).


6The large number of researchers that have decided to present their work at CLiC-it and the number of directions here investigated are proof of the maturity of our community and a promising indication of its vitality. We received a total of 64 paper submissions, out of which 52 have been accepted to appear in the Conference Proceedings, which are available online and on the OpenEdition platform. Overall, we collected 129 authors from 15 countries.

7We are very proud of the scientific program of the conference: it includes two invited speakers, Enrique Alfonseca (Google Research, Zurich) and Paola Merlo (University of Geneva), oral presentations, as well as two poster sessions preceded by booster sessions. Moreover, we organized two panels for discussing the future of CL with the representatives of both Italian associations and industry, and a session for preparing the ground for the next edition of the evaluation campaign for NLP and speech tools for Italian, Evalita (, to be held within CLiC-it 2016.

8We are also happy to assign best paper awards to young authors (PhD students and Postdocs) who appear as first author of their paper.

9We thank the conference sponsors for their generous support: CELI (Torino), Expert System (Modena), Reveal (Roma), Euregio (Bolzano), Almawave (Roma), ELRA (Parigi).

10We also thank the following organizations and institutions for endorsing CLiC-it:

  • Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG)

  • Associazione Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI*IA)

  • Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI)

  • Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (AITLA)

  • Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD)

  • Associazione Italiana Scienze della Voce (AISV)

11Last but not least, we thank the area chairs and all the program committee members for their incredible work, the invited speakers for their contribution to make CLIC-it an international event, and all the persons involved in the local organization of the conference in Trento.

12November 2015

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