Deep Learning Representations in Automatic Misogyny Identification: What Do We Gain and What Do We Miss?
p. 375-380
In this paper, we address the problem of automatic misogyny identification focusing on understanding the representation capabilities of widely adopted embeddings and addressing the problem of unintended bias. The proposed framework, grounded on Sentence Embeddings and Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization, has been validated on an Italian dataset. We highlight capabilities and weaknesses related to the use of pre-trained language, as well as the contribution of Bayesian Optimization for mitigating the problem of biased predictions.
Texte intégral
1. Introduction
1Nowadays, although women, girls and teenagers have a strong presence in online social environments, they are strongly exposed to hateful comments. In 2021, a survey provided by the Pew Research Center has shown that females are targeted for severe types of online gender-based attacks1: women are more likely than men to report having been sexually harassed online (16% vs. 5%) or stalked (13% vs. 9%). These phenomena can be found under the umbrella of online misogyny, which can be generally defined as hate, violence or prejudice against women (Ging and Siapera 2018).
2. State of the Art
2In order to counter online misogyny, several computational approaches have been presented in the literature ranging from natural language processing models to machine learning classifiers, denoting quite promising recognition performance. The earliest investigation about computational models for automatic misogyny identification has been presented in , where the authors proposed the adoption of several linguistic cues and baseline classifiers for addressing three main problems, i.e., misogyny identification, misogynistic behaviour recognition and target classification. After this seminal paper, several approaches have been presented in the literature distinguishing them according to the feature representations that have considered for representing the textual contents and the machine learning models adopted as classifiers. Most of the approaches experimented a high-level representation of the word and/or sentence (Garcı́a-Dı́az et al. 2021; Pamungkas, Basile, and Patti 2020; Farrell et al. 2020; Lees, Sorensen, and Kivlichan 2020), coupled with fine-tuning, while few of them adopted shallow models or trained deep architectures from scratch (Fabrizi 2020; Ou and Li 2020; Silva and Roman 2020; El Abassi and Nisioi 2020; Koufakou et al. 2020).
3Recently, an increasing interest has been focused on the problem of unintended bias (Dixon et al. 2018). In particular, it is important to focus on a given error induced by the training data, i.e., the bias injected in the model by a set of identity terms that are frequently associated to the misogynous class. For example, the term women, if frequently used in misogynous messages, would lead most of the supervised classification models to over-generalization and to disproportionately associate this identity term to the misogynous label. To this purpose, only few approaches have been dedicated to the unintended bias problem for misogyny identification (Nozza, Volpetti, and Fersini 2019; Lees, Sorensen, and Kivlichan 2020; Gencoglu 2020; Zueva, Kabirova, and Kalaidin 2020), denoting a research panorama that is in its infancy.
4Although the above mentioned approaches represent a fundamental contribution to the problem of automatic misogyny identification in online social environments, they do not focus on two main research questions: (RQ1) Do embeddings always success when representing different misogyny related problem such as the type of misogyny and the target? (RQ2) Could classification models be constrained to be less biased by the optimization of their hyper-parameters, therefore having good generalization capabilities also on uncommon expressions?
5In this paper, we address the above mentioned open issues by the following main contributions:
we perform an analysis of capabilities and weaknesses of the widely used state-of-the-art sentence encoders USE and BERT when adopted for misogyny detection;
we investigate how to reduce the bias of the models by optimizing their hyper-parameters through a multi-objective bayesian optimization strategy.
3. Proposed Framework
6In order to address the above mentioned research questions, related to the understanding of weaknesses and capabilities of pre-trained language models for misogyny identification and the reduction of unintended bias, we introduce the framework reported in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Workflow of the proposed investigation

3.1 Sentence Embeddings
7The proposed approach uses two pre-trained language models to generate a contextual representation of the data. The considered models are based on the transformer architecture initially presented in . More specifically, the first model is the “small” version of BERT, uncased, consisting of 12 stacked encoders, 12 parallel self-attention and 768 units to represents text. The model is pre-trained on 102 languages, has a dictionary of 110.000 terms and provides a 768-dimensional representation of the text as output. The second model is the multi-language version of USE trained on 16 languages, which consists of 6 stacked encoders, 8 parallel self-attention and 512 units for the text representation. USE provides a 512-dimensional representation of the text, computed as the average over the last encoder’s embeddings of each token. The pre-trained BERT and USE models have been fine-tuned according to the available misogyny related labels. In order to reduce the dimension of the vector representation given by the fine-tuned pre-trained models and to introduce sparsity to improve the separability of the data, an Autoencoder is used as suggested in (Glorot, Bordes, and Bengio 2011). The architecture of the Autoencoder is reported in Figura 2.
Figure 2

Autoencoder adopted to map the original data in a more compact and sparse representation
3.2 Training and Optimization
8Once the latent representation of a sentence is obtained by means of the Autoencoder, any machine learning model could be adopted to recognize misogynous contents. To this purpose, Support Vector Machines (SVM) have been used, searching for their optimal hyper-parameter settings that are able to ensure the highest recognition performance. However, searching for hyper-parameters that maximize a specific performance metric is a computational expensive black-box optimization process. Due its sample efficiency, Bayesian Optimization (BO), has been adopted. BO works sequentially: each classifier’s hyper-parameters to evaluate is chosen by dealing with the exploitation-exploration dilemma. To do this, BO relies on two key components: a probabilistic surrogate model approximating the performance metric to optimize - depending on SVM classifiers evaluated so far - and an acquisition function (utility function suggesting the choice of the next SVM’s hyper-parameters to evaluate. The adoption of a probabilistic surrogate model, specifically a Gaussian Process (GP) in this study, allows to estimate the expected value of the performance metric (i.e., GP’s predictive mean) and the associated uncertainty (i.e., GP’s predictive standard deviation), for any given SVM’s hyperparaters configuration. These two estimates are combined into the acquisition function, which implements the exploitation-exploration trade-off mechanism, where exploitation and exploration are associated to the surrogate’s predictive mean and standard deviation, respectively. More formally, let be the set of n possible configuration, where h(i) is a d-dimensional vector whose component
is the value of the j-th hyperparameter of the i-th SVM classifier, and
is the associated value of the target performance measure. The overall search space H is usually a subspace of the cartesian product of the hyper-parameters’s ranges:
. In this study the search space H is spanned by d=2 hyper-parameters whose values can vary into the following ranges:
, that is the regularization hyperparameter C of the SVM classifier (i.e., soft margin SVM)
, that is the hyperparameter γ of the Radial Basis Function kernel of the SVM classifier (i.e.,
9In this study we consider two different cases (on stratified 10-fold cross-validation):
tuning the SVM classifier’s hyper-parameters to maximize the accuracy, irrespectively to any measure of bias;
tuning the SVM classifier’s hyper-parameters to optimize an objective function aimed at maximizing accuracy and minimizing a bias-related metric.
Measuring the Bias
10In this paper, we measure the model bias by referring to the specific definition of unintended bias presented in (Dixon et al. 2018):
A model contains unintended bias if it performs better for comments containing some particular identity terms than for comments containing others.
11In order to measure the level of unintended bias of a given model, identity terms (terms related to the woman concept) and templates (pre-defined skeleton used to create synthetic samples) are used to generate sentences referred to women, which however can be unreasonably classified as misogynous with high scores. To this purpose, identity terms and templates available for the AMI at Evalita 2020 challenge (Fersini, Nozza, and Rosso 2020) have been used. Identity terms have been listed using a set of 37 concepts related to “woman”, considering both their singular and plural form for the Italian language. Since unintended bias of identity terms cannot be measured on the original dataset set due to class imbalance and highly different identity term contexts, a synthetic dataset is generated by means of templates. Following (Nozza, Volpetti, and Fersini 2019), we defined several templates that are filled out with identity terms and with verbs and adjectives that are divided into negative (e.g. hate, inferior) or positive (e.g. love, awesome) forms to convey misogyny or not. Table 1 reports examples of templates. The generated synthetic dataset comprises 3,923 instances, of which 50% misogynous and 50% non-misogynous, where each identity term appears in the same contexts.
Table 1: Template examples
Template Examples | Label |
<identity term>devono essere protette | Non-Misogynous |
<identity term>devono essere torturate | Misogynous |
adorare <identity term> | Non-Misogynous |
umiliare <identity term> | Misogynous |
<identity term>stimabile | Non-Misogynous |
<identity term>rivoltante | Misogynous |
12Identity terms, templates and synthetic dataset are available at
13In order to evaluate the performance of the classification in terms of bias, an AUC-related measure has been used (AUCfinal). In what follow, the higher is the AUCfinal, the lower is the bias of the model. In particular, a weighted combination of AUC estimated on the raw dataset AUCraw (original tweets) and three per-term AUC-based scores computed on the synthetic dataset (AUCSubgroup, AUCBPSN, AUCBNSP) is adopted (Borkan et al. 2019). Let s be an identity-term (e.g. “donna" and “moglie") and N be the total number of identity-terms, the AUCfinal is defined as:
14 (1)
AUCSubgroup (s): computes AUC only on the data within the subgroup containing a given identity term s. This represents model understanding and separability within the subgroup itself. A low value means that the model does not distinguish properly misogynous and non-misogynous comments containing a give identity term s.
AUCBPSN(s): Background Positive Subgroup Negative (BPSN) estimates AUC on the misogynous examples using the background and the non-misogynous examples belonging the subgroup. A low value means that the model mislead non-misogynous examples that mention the identity-term with misogynous examples that do not, likely meaning that the model predicts higher misogynous scores than it should for non-misogynous examples mentioning the identity-term.
AUCBNSP(s): Background Negative Subgroup Positive (BNSP) calculates AUC on the non-misogynous examples from the background and the misogynous examples from the subgroup. A low value means that the model confuses misogynous examples that mention the identity with non-misogynous examples that do not, likely meaning that the model predicts lower misogynous scores than it should for misogynous examples mentioning the identity.
4. Experimental Investigation
15In this section we report the experimental investigation performed on the Italian version of the Automatic Misogyny Detection (AMI) dataset (Fersini, Nozza, and Rosso 2020), comparing the results obtained with the proposed framework with the ones obtained by the baseline model (i.e. SVM trained on a TF-IDF representation). The AMI dataset is composed of 5,000 tweets, labelled according to “misogyny” (i.e., indicating if a Tweet is misogynous or not), “misogyny category” (i.e., Stereotype&Objectification, Dominance, Derailing, Sexual Harassment&Threats of Violence, Discredit) and “target” (i.e., individual or generic).
16Regarding the first research question (RQ1), we tuned the SVM classifier’s hyper-parameters to maximize only the performance measure related to each label (i.e. Accuracy for misogyny labels, F-Measure for category and target labels). First of all, we reported in Table 2 the results comparing different models. It can be easily noted that, although BERT and USE allow SVM to achieve better performance than TFIDF, there is no difference between them achieving similar results. Moreover, while the recognition performance on the misogyny labels are satisfactory, the capabilities on discriminating the misogyny category and the target are still far from being acceptable.
Table 2: Performance comparison of different approaches. Underlined numbers denote the best result
Baseline | OUR | OUR | Absolute | |
Misogyny | 0.8390 | 0.8670 | 0.8640 | +2.8% |
Misogyny Category | 0.5427 | 0.5988 | 0.5991 | +5.64% |
Target | 0.4217 | 0.4599 | 0.4537 | +3.82% |
Figure 2

Autoencoder adopted to map the original data in a more compact and sparse representation
Figure 3

2D embedding representation obtained by USE
17In order to understand if the low performance can be due to the embedding, we investigated the class overlapping originated by USE and BERT. We report in Figure 3, a 2D representation of the embeddings obtained by USE (similar results have been obtained for BERT). We can immediately highlight that while the embeddings tuned for recognizing misogyny are quite distinguishable between misogynous and not misogynous tweets, for the category and target embeddings there is an overlapping among the classes. This makes the learned representations not ready for being used to recognize the specific form of misogyny and the subject of misogynous comments.
18Regarding the second research question (RQ2), we determined the SVM optimal hyper-parameters to maximize both Accuracy and AUCfinal (i.e. the bias-related metric). In order to guarantee the use different set of tokens for the hyper-parameter search and the inference phase, the synthetic samples have been split in training and testing. We compare in Table 3, the AUCfinal values estimated on biased and unbiased SVM. We can easily note that the Unbiased SVM leads to maintain constant the Accuracy, but improve the generalization capabilities of the embeddings given by the AUCfinal values, denoting a slightly better results for USE. This means that the SVM hyper-parameter optimization, with respect to both performance measures, leads to promising unbiased models. This ensures ensure good recognition capabilities on both common expressions (typically used on Twitter) and on uncommon comments (synthetic data). The obtained results also suggest that an SVM trained using the USE embedding is more keen to adapt the hyper-parameters to reduce its bias during training and inference.
Table 3: Generalizaion capabilites on biased and unbiased models
Biased SVM | Unbiased SVM | ||
TFIDF | Accuracy | 0.8390 | 0.8390 |
AUCfinal | 0.6910 | 0.6950 | |
BERT | Accuracy | 0.8679 | 0.8679 |
AUCfinal | 0.7197 | 0.7211 | |
USE | Accuracy | 0.8640 | 0.8640 |
AUCfinal | 0.7181 | 0.7430 |
5. Conclusions and Future Work
19In this paper we have investigated the capabilities and weaknesses of pre-trained language models, as well as the problem of the unintended bias when addressing the automatic misogyny identification for the Italian language. The proposed investigation has highlighted that, while pre-trained embeddings are able to distinguish misogynous and not misogynous comments, they still have poor discrimination capabilities related to the type of misogyny and its target. Regarding the unintended bias problem, it has been shown that an hyper-parameter search guided by Bayesian Optimization can lead to debiased models with good recognition generalization capabilities. As future work, we will investigate explainable AI techniques aimed at generating a feature score that is directly proportional to the feature’s effect on inducing bias in the prediction model.
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University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy –
University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy –
University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy –
University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy –
University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy –

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