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Droits et voix / Rights and Voices

La Criminologie à l’université d’Ottawa / Criminology at the University of Ottawa

This volume commemorates the 40th anniversary of the University of Ottawa’s Department of Criminology, founded in 1968. It relates the history of the department from its origins to today, focusing on the theoretical debates that have influenced its critical and self reflexive approach to criminology. The contributions to this volume continue in that vein by questioning the traditional perspective of criminology on a variety of topics including police studies, mental health, political viole...

Leggi il seguito
  • Editore : Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa Press
  • Collana : Perspectives alternatives en criminologie | Alternative Perspectives in Criminology
  • Luogo di pubblicazione : Ottawa
  • Anno di pubblicazione : 2010
  • Pubblicato su OpenEdition Books : 27 septembre 2017
  • EAN (edizione cartacea) : 978-2-7603-0735-3
  • EAN digitale : 978-2-7603-2697-2
  • Numero di pagine : viii-272 p.
Véronique Strimelle e Françoise Vanhamme
Jacques Laplante

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