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The Forgotten Peace

Mediation at Niagara Falls

In the early hours of April 22, 1914, American President Woodrow Wilson sent Marines to seize the port of Veracruz in an attempt to alter the course of the Mexican Revolution. As a result, the United States seemed on the brink of war with Mexico. An international uproar ensued. The governments of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile offered to mediate a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Surprisingly, both the United States and Mexico accepted their offer and all parties agreed to meet at an inter...

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  • Editore : Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa Press
  • Collana : Gouvernance | Governance Series
  • Luogo di pubblicazione : Ottawa
  • Anno di pubblicazione : 2009
  • Pubblicato su OpenEdition Books : 27 septembre 2017
  • EAN (edizione cartacea) : 978-0-7766-0712-2
  • EAN digitale : 978-0-7766-2619-2
  • Numero di pagine : xii-179 p.

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