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Life, Fish and Mangroves

Melissa Marschke

Academic Acknowledgements

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  • 21 Published and forthcoming articles mentioned in this paragraph are fully cited in the References.

1Chapter 2 draws and adapts sections from two papers: one I published in 2008 entitled « Le Secteur des Pêcheries de l’Ère « Post » au Cambodge: Une explication de la non-transformation » and another I co-authored with Dr. Simon Bush, “Transformations in the coasts and fisheries of Southeast Asia,” presented at the Revisiting Agrarian Transformations in Southeast Asia conference at Chiang Mai, Thailand, in May 2010. Dr. Jonathan Rigg and Dr. Peter Vandergeest, along with other members of the ChATSEA Agrarian Change Re-Study group, provided timely feedback on multiple drafts of Chapter 3, part of which will be published in a forthcoming (2012) book examining village-level agrarian change across Southeast Asia.21 I am also grateful to Dr. John Sinclair for his contributions to the journal article that I have since revised and updated to include as part of Chapter 4.

2Kim Nong and Ouk Li Khim accompanied me to the field in my more recent visits to southwestern Cambodia. This has added substantial depth to the book, and I am very appreciative of their support. In several cases I have drawn from paragraphs from co-authored book chapters and draft articles; I appreciate the discussions and written exchanges I have had with Dr. Derek Armitage, Dr. Robert Arthur, Dr. Simon Bush and Dr. Richard Friend, which have furthered my thinking on fisheries-related issues in Southeast Asia.


21 Published and forthcoming articles mentioned in this paragraph are fully cited in the References.

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