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Language Testing Reconsidered

Janna Fox
Mari Wesche
Doreen Bayliss
et al.

The Goals of ILTA

Texte intégral

  1. Stimulate professional growth through workshops and conferences.
  2. Promote the publication and dissemination of information related to the field of language testing.
  3. Develop and provide for leadership in the field of language testing.
  4. Provide professional services to its members.
  5. Increase public understanding and support of language testing as a profession.
  6. Build professional pride among its membership.
  7. Recognize outstanding achievement among its membership.
  8. Cooperate with other groups interested in language testing.
  9. Cooperate with other groups interested in applied linguistics or measurement.

1For more information regarding ILTA and how to become a member, please visit the ILTA website at ILTA is currently engaged in developing the Code of Practice (see the ILTA website for details). The members of ILTA meet annually at the Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). See the reverse side of this page for a complete listing of all the LTRCs from 1979 to 2007.

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