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Espaces portuaires

Jean-François Eck
Pierre Tilly
Béatrice Touchelay

I. Articuler lieux et espaces

Port, city and hinterland: on the effects of the Mainz Convention (1831) on the Rhine free ports

Nils Bennemann

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Extrait du texte

1. Introduction1

The great upheaval brought upon Europe at the time of the Revolutionary Wars did not pass the port towns along the Rhine by: during the negotiations on the free navigation of the Rhine at the Congress of Vienna it was at least resolved to abolish the staple rights for Cologne and Mainz, thus signalling the loss of a major trade privilege2, although Cologne’s staple rights remained in force as a means of leverage against the Netherlands in negotiating the Rhine navigation regulations3; Cologne had already lost its status as a free imperial city as a result of French annexation under the Peace of Campo Formio in 1797. Under the political reforms that took place at the beginning of the 19th century in the territory of the Old Empire, all but a few cities were incorporated in the Weberian form of modern bureaucracy4; as Nipperdey summarises for the example of Prussia: “Sonderrechte der Regionen wie der Einzelstädte fielen dahin; es gab eine einheitliche gesamtstaatliche ...


University of Duisburg-Essen, Historical Institute

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