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Ecocity, Knowledge city, Smart city

Patrizia Ingallina

Chapitre 3. Ville durable et à énergie positive

Energy transition and energy security: a twofold, multi-scalar challenge for the European territory

Giancarlo Cotella

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The steady rise in global energy demand and the close connection between fossil energy consumption and climate change have led to a growth in the scientific and political debates over how best to address future energy requirements and, in particular, how to effectively promote and accompany a transition towards a low-carbon society. At the same time, considering that European Union (EU) imports cover about half of its energy needs, energy security has become a policy priority for the EU and its Member States. As a matter of fact, energy issues have been at the heart of the European agenda since its inception, and the progressive consolidation of sustainability and security of supply as the main complementary pillars of the EU energy strategy have allowed for Europe’s energy system to become incrementally lower-carbon, more competitive, and more secure.

However, while the EU has been successful in institutionalising a climate policy, the formulation of a fully effective en...


Politecnico di Torino

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