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(Se) construire dans l’interlangue

Françoise Bonnet-Falandry
Stéphanie Durrans
Moya Jones

Première partie. Interlangue et problématiques d’apprentissage en milieu scolaire

The Power of the Student Subjectivity. Process in Foreign Language Acquisition: The Example of the Language Profiles in Roskilde University, Denmark

Heidi Bojsen

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Extrait du texte

Selinker’s perception of interlanguage is based on a philosophy of Foreign Language (FL) acquisition that presumes that the learner strives towards a native speaker’s proficiency1. Interlanguage is thus the name for the foreign language spoken by the learner in the process of arriving at that particular point. How may this notion be used in a modern interdisciplinary university? And what is the importance of the subjectivity process that the students go through as they acquire FL skills and complete their university education?

Since September 2012, Roskilde University (RUC) has offered a new series of supplementary courses to all students within human and social sciences in addition to their specific studies. The overall aim of these courses, which run from the first to the third semester, is to sustain and develop the competences of the students in reading and communicating in French and German as part of their academic learning process2. In this framework we are already on new grou...

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