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Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger
Isavella Stamatiadou

Résumés des articles en anglais

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L’édition de textes philosophiques et philologiques post-byzantins

Chariton Karanassios

In this article six examples of philosophical and literary texts are being presented as well as the editing projects of 17th -18th century texts (Korydalleus, Sougdouris, Kyminitis, Zerzoulis, Gordios, Pogoniani Chronicle). Based on these texts, a first attempt of the post-Byzantine works editing systematisation on two levels: manuscripts research and identification of texts, and stemmatic, critical apparatus and orthographic conventions. The article certainly does not lead to the final conclusions but contributes to the editing problem of texts mentioned.

Comment identifier un autographe : le cas de la Physiologie de Vikentios Damodos

Vassiliki Bobou-Stamati

The topic of the article is the history of a manuscript that provides us with two unedited works of Vikentios Damodos (1700-1754), a philosopher and scholar from Cephalonia, whose life and works have occupied a great part of the research. In this...

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