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Minoan Archaeology

Sarah Cappel
Ute Günkel-Maschek
Diamantis Panagiotopoulos

Be(hav)ing “Minoan”: Negotiating Life and Death Through Practice and Performance

A Portable Goddess

On Performative and Experiental Aspects of Figures and Figurines

Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska

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Coroplastic studies – concerning figures and figurines, constitute a distinct, very vibrant and dynamic field of archaeological research. A traditional perception of figures and figurines was usually as objects of art, the main purpose of which was to be looked at. However, as ethnographic examples illustrate, anthropomorphic statuettes are made to be used in a variety of ways and interacted with: thus touched, handled, and carried about. In this paper, I discuss performative and experiential aspects of so-called “Goddesses with Upraised Arms”, terracotta figures and figurines, representing a standing female with a long skirt and arms stretched upwards, dated to the Late Minoan IIIC. As comparative material, I use examples of morphologically similar figurines known from Cyprus, from the Late Cypriot III until the Classical period. Considering their find spots and dimensions I discuss how they might have been handled and displayed and how that would affect the way people who interact...

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