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Minoan Archaeology

Sarah Cappel
Ute Günkel-Maschek
Diamantis Panagiotopoulos

Data in Progress: Exploring the Cretan Land- and Cityscape

Capturing the Dynamics of Minoan Mortuary Space in South Central Crete1

Sylviane Dederix

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Some Minoan funerary choices have been materialized on the land through the establishment of burial places. They can thus be recovered thanks to careful analysis of the position allocated to burial sites within the wider natural and human environment of Bronze Age Crete. Accordingly, this paper uses the area of South Central Crete as a case-study to examine some of the opportunities, issues and limitations related to the implementation of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to study mortuary landscapes of Bronze Age Crete.


As is recognized today, landscape is not a passive backdrop of human activity. Nor is it just a physical environment that constraints and enables human lives, and to which people have to adapt. In the course of daily practices, human beings move on the surface of the earth, they experience the world, and they imbue it with meanings according to their social, political, economical, ideological and historical specificities.1 Every landscape is thus cul...

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