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White Paper — Open Science in a Digital Republic — Strategic Guide

Scientific and Technical Information Department - CNRS




Legal texts and laws on TDM

Digital Republic Act, including impact assessment of 9 December 20151.

EPRS, Tambiama Madiega, EU Copyright Reform: Revisiting the Principle of Territoriality, 2015.

HM Government [British Government], Modernising Copyright: A Modern, Robust and Flexible Framework, 2012.

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, COM(2016) 593 final, 14 September 2016.

Reda Report, 2015.

Report from the Expert Group of the European Commission, “Standardisation in the area of innovation and technological development, notably in the field of text and data mining”, April 2014.

Sirinelli Report for the CSPLA, Rapport de la mission sur la révision de la directive 2001/29/CE sur l’harmonisation de certains aspects du droit d’auteur et des droits voisins dans la société de l’information (Report of the mission on the revision of Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and neighbouring rights in the information society), December 2014.

Wolf & Partners, Study on the Legal Framework of Text and Data Mining, study for the European Commission, March 2014.

Institutional analyses of TDM

S. Ananiadou, The National Centre for Text Mining: A Vision for the Future, 2007;

APRIST (Association of STI Managers of Research Organisations), Le TDM comme outil innovant de recherche scientifique (TDM as an innovative tool for scientific research) (note on text and data mining).

J. Clark, Text Mining and Scholarly Publishing, study commissioned by the Publishing Research Consortium (PRC), Amsterdam, 2013.

COUPERIN and ADBU, Mission relative au data mining : l’analyse de Couperin et de l’ADBU (Mission relating to data mining: The analysis of Couperin and the ADBU), 2014.

CNRS White Paper, Open Science in a Digital Republic, 2016;

De wolf & Partners, Study on the Legal Framework of Text and Data Mining, 2014.

Guillaume Garvanese, “Préserver les données de la recherche à l’ère du Big Data” (Preserving research data in the age of Big Data), CNRS Le Journal, 9 September 2016,

JISC, The Value and Benefits of Text Mining: Digital Infrastructure Directions Report, Doc#811, 2012.

J. Kelly, The text and data mining copyright exception: Benefits and implications for UK higher education, Jisc Publications, 2016.

NESTA – Alliance for Useful Evidence, Using Research Evidence: A Practice Guide, 2015.

OUTSELL, Text and Data Mining: Technologies Under Construction, 2016.

Science Europe, Text and Data Mining and the Need for a Science-Friendly EU Copyright Reform, Briefing Paper, 2015

UK IPO (Intellectual Property Office), Impact Assessment (IA): Exception for Copying of Works for Use by Text and Data Analytics, 2012.

Research on TDM

M. Borghi and S. Karapapa, Copyright and Mass Digitization: A Cross-Jurisdictional Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2013

W. Fan, L. Wallace, S. RICH and Z. ZHANG, Tapping into the Power of Text Mining, 2005;

U. Fayyad and R. Uthurusamy, “Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases: Introduction to the special issue”, Communications of the ACM, 39(11), 1999.

W. J. Frawley, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro and C. J. MATHEUS, Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Overview, 1992;

C. Handke, L. Guibault and J. J. Vallbé, “Is Europe Falling Behind in Data Mining? Copyright’s Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research”, June 2015 ;

M. A. Hearst, Untangling Text Data Mining, School of Information Management & Systems, University of California, Berkeley, 1999.

M. A. Hearst, “What is Text Mining?”, SIMS, UC Berkeley, 17 October 2003.

F. Ibekwe-Sanjuan, Fouille de textes : méthodes, outils et applications (Text mining: Methods, tools and applications), coll. Systèmes d’information et organisations documentaires, Hermès, 2007, 352 p.

S. Jusoh and H. M. Alfawareh, Techniques, Applications and Challenging Issue in Text Mining, November 2012.

C. Laurent, J. Baudry ET AL., “Pourquoi s’intéresser à la notion d’« evidence-based policy » ?” (Why be interested in the concept of “evidence-based policy”?), Revue Tiers Monde 4(200), 2009, pp. 853–873.

F. Millerand, La science en réseau. Les gestionnaires d’information « invisibles » dans la production d’une base de données scientifiques (Networked science: The “invisible” information managers in the production of a scientific database), Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 6(1), 2012, pp. 163–190.

Y. Toussaint, “Extraction de connaissances à partir de textes structurés” (Extracting knowledge from structured texts), Document Numérique, 8(3), 2004, pp. 11–34.


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