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White Paper — Open Science in a Digital Republic

Scientific and Technical Information Department - CNRS


Interview guide for the hearings – The contribution of research to the themes of the Digital Republic Bill

Texte intégral


1Digital technologies are profoundly transforming the modes of production and dissemination of scientific results: data, publications and analyses are now accessible on various platforms. This availability of scientific material contains a potential for knowledge exploitation and sharing for which the law must be able to define the conditions, terms and limits.

The CNRS’s proposals: Conditions, terms and limits to the sharing of scientific information

A. Conditions

2The main conditions for free access to scientific results are the abolition of limits that may be introduced by editorial legislation (publication rights, copyright), with a view to the exploration of digital corpora of publications or data.

Question 1: What is your opinion on the necessary adaptations to publication rights (publishers and/or authors) and the exploration of corpora (text- & data-mining techniques, APIs, etc.)?

B. Terms

3The terms for sharing scientific results must, in the digital age, assimilate new constraints: the sharing of results between actors in public research on the one hand and between users and beneficiaries of public science on the other.

Question 2: How should the line be drawn between legitimate appropriation and misappropriation of results available on a public science platform, and how should these results be protected?

C. Limits

4Science platforms today contain STI whose form, content and legal status are very heterogeneous. This lack of uniformity impedes the visibility of science platforms. In the same way that there is today a notion of general interest data (a recent choice of the Minister of the Digital Economy), consideration should be given to the designation of public science platforms and, possibly, to a specific legal regime.

Question 3: Should we be moving towards a designation of “essential infrastructure” for major upstream research platforms, in cases where these platforms occupy a unique and irreplaceable function?


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