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Acoustemologies in Contact

Sounding Subjects and Modes of Listening in Early Modernity

In this fascinating collection of essays, an international group of scholars explores the sonic consequences of transcultural contact in the early modern period. They examine how cultural configurations of sound impacted communication, comprehension, and the categorisation of people. Addressing questions of identity, difference, sound, and subjectivity in global early modernity, these authors share the conviction that the body itself is the most intimate of contact zones, and that the cult...

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  • Éditeur : Open Book Publishers
  • Collection : OBP collection
  • Lieu d’édition : Cambridge
  • Année d’édition : 2021
  • Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 08 juin 2021
  • EAN (Édition imprimée) : 978-1-80064-035-1
  • EAN électronique : 979-10-365-7033-9
  • Nombre de pages : x-337 p.
Emily Wilbourne et Suzanne G. Cusick
Glenda Goodman
4. ‘Hideous Acclamations’

Captive Colonists, Forced Singing, and the Incorporation Imperatives of Mohawk Listeners

Emily Wilbourne
6. Little Black Giovanni’s Dream

Black Authorship and the ‘Turks, and Dwarves, the Bad Christians’ of the Medici Court

Zhuqing (Lester) S. Hu
7. A Global Phonographic Revolution

Trans-Eurasian Resonances of Writing in Early Modern France and China

Suzanne G. Cusick
8. ‘La stiava dolente in suono di canto’

War, Slavery, and Difference in a Medici Court Entertainment

Nina Treadwell
9. ‘Now Despised, a Servant, Abandoned’

Wounded Italy, the Moresca, and the Performance of Alterity

Jane Tylus
10. ‘Non basta il suono, e la voce’

Listening for Tasso’s Clorinda


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