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Global Austria

Günter Bischof
Fritz Plasser

Forum: The Globalization of Austrian Studies

Austrian Studies in the United States

Gary B. Cohen

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Extrait du texte

The United States enjoys a distinguished tradition of research and teaching relating to Austria, the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states, and traditions. One must grant that, thanks to the organization of American higher education and the patterns of development for various scholarly disciplines, many scholars who have worked on topics relating to Austria and the former Habsburg lands might not describe themselves as specialists in Austrian Studies. Between 1900 and World War II, there were historians who worked on Austrian or Habsburg topics, literature scholars who studied Austrian authors, and occasionally political scientists and economists who wrote on Austrian politics, law and state institutions, or economics. Still, with much less field specialization in the humanities and social sciences than was to develop after 1945, these scholars typically taught and wrote in broader fields of European history, German or comparative literature, or European and international politics...


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