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The Schüssel Era in Austria

Günter Bischof
Fritz Plasser


Austrian-Jewish Studies?

Leslie Morris

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In thinking about the future or the viability of Austrian Studies, I would like to pose a question about the place of Jewish Studies within Austrian Studies. German-Jewish Studies has become a recognized subfield within both German Studies and Jewish Studies, with Austria and the legacy of the Habsburg Monarchy folded into it. Yet in probing the contours of the future of Austrian Studies, I propose to sidestep the now rather tired debates about the viability of national literatures as an area of study; in fact, in many respects Austria, as a former empire and ongoing borderland region, presents a way out of the usual conundrum of thinking about literary studies and national spaces. Scholars in Austrian Studies have long pleaded for the cultural and historical specificity of an inquiry into Austria that is not subsumed by German culture; indeed, let me suggest that if it is perhaps time to craft a more conscious field of Jewish Studies within the context of Austrian Studies, we need ...


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