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Politische Philosophie versus Politische Theologie?

Wolfgang Palaver
Andreas Oberprantacher
Dietmar Regensburger

I. Grundfragen der politischen Philosophie

The Relationship between Political Philosophy and Political Theology: a Muslim’s Perspective

Ḥājj Muḥammad Legenhausen

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Extrait du texte

0. Introduction

In order to understand how to view the theologico-political problem from a Muslim’s perspective, there are several avenues of approach: sociological, historical, geographical, typological, sectarian, and comparative, for example. One might also break down the problem into various issues, such as constitutional law, human rights, international law, and civil society. In each of these cases we can seek to sort out the ways in which Muslims have viewed the relationships among politics, theology, and philosophy, or among the three very different types of authority associated with them: power, revelation, and reason. In this presentation, however, I will confine myself to some general observations about the distinction between political philosophy and political theology as understood through Heinrich Meier’s studies of Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss in contrast with what may be found in the intellectual traditions of Shi‘ite Islam. For this purpose I hope that due attention ...

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