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The Economics of Geographical Indications

This book seeks to contribute to an understanding of the role played by international trade law in shaping economic outcomes from a theoretical perspective. The focus is on geographical indications (GI), an intellectual property right defined in the TRIPs Agreement of the WTO. The premise is that a GI can be conceptualized as a ‘club asset’: firms that produce GI-labelled goods both add value and derive benefits from the GI. The book starts by presenting a dynamic model of GI reputation un...

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Nota del editor

 The cover picture corresponds to the labeling of trademark N° 503, registered in Chile on August 18, 1894, at 3 PM, by Carlos Fonck y Ca. Valparaíso. The trademark was for canned lobster in provenance of the Juan Fernández islands. Fast-forward 117 years, and after the lemon of Pica, registered in 2010, the lobster of Juan Fernández is the second product registered as a geographical indication in Chile, in 19 December 2011. The indication covers the lobster coming from the islands Juan Fernández (Robinson Crusoe, Alejandro Selkirk and Santa Clara), and Desventuradas (San Félix and San Ambrosio), located some 600 km off the coast of Chile in the South Pacific, in the region of Valparaiso. Other GIs are in the pipeline for registration in Chile: tuna fish from Easter Island, pottery from Pomaire, chamantos (woolen fabric) from Doñihue, ceramic from Quinchamalí, and salt from Cahuil.

Daniela Benavente is grateful to her friend Maximiliano Santa Cruz, National Director at the National Institute of Intellectual Property of Chile, and to his colleague Carmen Paz Alvarez for sharing this beautiful image and their expertise regarding the registration of GIs in her country of origin.

  • Editor : Graduate Institute Publications
  • Colección : eLivres de l’Institut | 2
  • Lugar de edición : Genève
  • Año de edición : 2013
  • Publicación en OpenEdition Books : 08 avril 2013
  • EAN (publicación papel) : 978-2-940503-20-9
  • EAN electrónico : 978-2-940503-21-6
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.iheid.525


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