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The Comfort of Strangers

Jinmi Adisa

List of acronyms and abbreviations

Texte intégral

1AICF - Action International contre la Faim / International Action against Hunger

2APROSOMA - Association pour la Promotion des Masses

3ARSOM - Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-mer

4CARE - Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere Inc.

5CARITAS - International Catholic Relief Agency

6CCM - Chama Cha Mapinduzi

7CIREFCA - International Conference on Central American Refugees

8CRS - Catholic Relief Services

9ECOSOC - United Nations Protocol on the Status of Refugees

10FAR - Forces Aimée Rwandaise

11FAZ - Forces Armée Zaïroise

12FRODEBU - Front pour la Démocratie au Burundi

13GTZ - Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit

14ICARA - International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa

15IDP - internally displaced persons

16IFRC/TRC - International Federation of the Red Cross/Tanzania Red Cross

17IISS - International Institute for Strategic Studies

18INERA - The National Institute for Agronomic Studies and Research

19IRO - International Refugee Organisation

20MRNDD - Mouvement Républicain National pour la Démocratie et le Développement

21MSF - Médecins sans Frontières

22MSFB - Médecins sans Frontières Burundi

23NRA - National Resistance Army

24NRM - National Resistance Movement

25OAU - Organisation of African Unity

26OXFAM - Oxford Family Relief

27PRIO - International Peace Research Institute

28QIPS - quick impact projects

29RADER - Rwandan Démocratie Union

30RBA - Regional Bureau for Africa

31RDR - Rally for Return and Democracy in Rwanda

32RPF - Rwanda Patriotic Front

33SCF - Save the Children Fund

34TCRS - Tanzanian Christian Refugee Service

35UNAMIR - United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda

36UNAR - National Rwandan Union

37UNCHS - United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)

38UNDP - United Nations Development Program

39UNGA - United Nations General Assembly

40UNHCR - United Nations High Commission for Refugees

41UNICEF - United Nations International Children’s Education Fund

42UNREO - United Nations Rwanda Emergency Office

43UNRRA - United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency

44UPC - Uganda Peoples Congress

45UPDM - Ugandan Peoples Democratic Movement

46UPRONA - Union pour le Progrès National

47WFP - World Food Programme

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